


Plugins Directory » Multiple files upload/download

Author: Vitaly Klimov
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2012-04-01 (over 12 years ago)
Current version: 0.2.1
Compatible with: Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x
User ratings:   (0)

Redmine multiple files download/upload

Plugin adds the ability to upload and attach multiple files at once to issue, forum message or wiki page or to download selected files as a ZIP archive.

Plugin requires Flash for upload feature and uses SWFUpload Flash plugin (


  • Plugin adds link Attach files to the issue details page
  • Plugin adds link Download as ZIP to the attachments part of issue details, forum message or wiki page
  • Plugin adds link Attach multiple files to the message edit page
  • Plugin adds link Attach multiple files to the end of wiki page

Uploading files

On the plugin page select 'Select and upload files' button to select files and attach them to the issue/message/page.

Downloading archive

On the plugin page select files that you wish to include to the archive and press 'Download as ZIP' button. Files with duplicate names are outlined against most recent file.


It is possible to add files only to the existing issue/message/wiki page due to the way Flash SWFUpload handles files upload

Affected views

Plugin substitutes following views. All changes are marked with VVK signature

  • issues\_action_menu.html.erb
  • messages\edit.html.erb
  • wiki\show.html.erb

Also plugin aliases function link_to_attachments in the attachments_controller

Installation notes

  1. Plugin requires rubyzip gem (gem install rubyzip)
  2. Install plugin Plugin views with revisions if you do not have it installed
  3. Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps at:
  4. Run rake task
    rake redmine:plugins:process_version_change RAILS_ENV=production
  5. Due to the way Flash handles cookies following line should be added to the config\additional_environment.rb file in order for plugin to work:
    Redmine 1.x.x:
    config.middleware.insert_before("ActionController::Session::CookieStore", "FlashSessionCookieMiddleware",ActionController::Base.session_options[:key])

    Redmine 2.x.x
  6. Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)


0.2.1 (2012-06-09)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x.

  • Rails 3 (Redmine 2.x.x) compatibility added

0.2.0 (2012-06-07)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x.

  • Plugin depends on Plugin views with revisions for further Redmine compatibility
  • Upload of multiple files added as a single journal entry, total upload time is logged

0.1.2 (2012-04-06)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x.

  • Correct MIME types written when adding attachments
  • Added rake task to correct attachments MIME types (redmine:mfu_correct_mime_types) for already stored attachments

0.1.1 (2012-04-01)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x.