Changelog for 0.7.x¶
- Table of contents
- Changelog for 0.7.x
v0.7.4 (2008-12-30)¶
- Fixed several XSS vulnerabilities
- Fixed a SQL injection vulnerability
v0.7.3 (2008-07-06)¶
- Allow dot in firstnames and lastnames
- Add project name to cross-project Atom feeds
- Encoding set to utf8 in example database.yml
- HTML titles on forums related views
- Fixed: various XSS vulnerabilities
- Fixed: Entourage (and some old client) fails to correctly render notification styles
- Fixed: Fixed: timelog redirects inappropriately when :back_url is blank
- Fixed: wrong relative paths to images in wiki_syntax.html
v0.7.2 (2008-06-15)¶
- Links to repository directories on the repo browser
- Move status to front in Activity View
- Remove edit step from Status context menu
- Fixed: No way to do textile horizontal rule
- Fixed: Repository: View differences doesn't work
- Fixed: attachement's name maybe invalid.
- Fixed: Error when creating a new issue
- Fixed: NoMethodError on @available_filters.has_key?
- Fixed: Check All / Uncheck All in Email Settings
- Fixed: "View differences" of one file at /repositories/revision/ fails
- Fixed: Column width in "my page"
- Fixed: private subprojects are listed on Issues view
- Fixed: Textile: bold, italics, underline, etc... not working after parentheses
- Fixed: Update issue form: comment field from log time end out of screen
- Fixed: Editing role: "issue can be assigned to this role" out of box
- Fixed: Unable use angular braces after include word
- Fixed: Using '*' as keyword for repository referencing keywords doesn't work
- Fixed: Subversion repository "View differences" on each file rise ERROR
- Fixed: View differences for individual file of a changeset fails if the repository URL doesn't point to the repository root
- Fixed: It is possible to lock out the last admin account
- Fixed: Wikis are viewable for anonymous users on public projects, despite not granting access
- Fixed: Issue number display clipped on 'my issues'
- Fixed: Roadmap version list links not carrying state
- Fixed: Log Time fieldset in IssueController#edit doesn't set default Activity as default
- Fixed: git's "get_rev" API should use repo's current branch instead of hardwiring "master"
- Fixed: browser's language subcodes ignored
- Fixed: Error on project selection with numeric (only) identifier.
- Fixed: Link to PDF doesn't work after creating new issue
- Fixed: "Replies" should not be shown on forum threads that are locked
- Fixed: SVN errors lead to svn username/password being displayed to end users (security issue)
- Fixed: http links containing hashes don't display correct
- Fixed: Allow ampersands in Enumeration names
- Fixed: Atom link on saved query does not include query_id
- Fixed: Logtime info lost when there's an error updating an issue
- Fixed: TOC does not parse colorization markups
- Fixed: CVS: add support for modules names with spaces
- Fixed: Bad rendering on projects/add
- Fixed: exception when viewing differences on cvs
- Fixed: export issue to pdf will messup when use Chinese language
- Fixed: Redmine::Scm::Adapters::GitAdapter#get_rev ignored GIT_BIN constant
- Fixed: Adding non-ASCII new issue type in the New Issue page have encoding error using IE
- Fixed: Importing from trac : some wiki links are messed
- Fixed: Incorrect weekend definition in Hebrew calendar locale
- Fixed: Atom feeds don't provide author section for repository revisions
- Fixed: In Activity views, changesets titles can be multiline while they should not
- Fixed: Ignore unreadable subversion directories (read disabled using authz)
- Fixed: lib/SVG/Graph/Graph.rb can't externalize stylesheets
- Fixed: Close statement handler in
v0.7.1 (2008-05-04)¶
- Thai translation added (Gampol Thitinilnithi)
- Translations updates
- Escape HTML comment tags
- Prevent "can't convert nil into String" error when :sort_order param is not present
- Fixed: Updating tickets add a time log with zero hours
- Fixed: private subprojects names are revealed on the project overview
- Fixed: Search for target version of "none" fails with postgres 8.3
- Fixed: Home, Logout, Login links shouldn't be absolute links
- Fixed: 'Latest projects' box on the welcome screen should be hidden if there are no projects
- Fixed: error when using upcase language name in coderay
- Fixed: error on Trac import when :due attribute is nil
v0.7.0 (2008-04-28)¶
- Forces Redmine to use rails 2.0.2 gem when vendor/rails is not present
- Queries can be marked as 'For all projects'. Such queries will be available on all projects and on the global issue list.
- Add predefined date ranges to the time report
- Time report can be done at issue level
- Various timelog report enhancements
- Accept the following formats for "hours" field: 1h, 1 h, 1 hour, 2 hours, 30m, 30min, 1h30, 1h30m, 1:30
- Display the context menu above and/or to the left of the click if needed
- Make the admin project files list sortable
- Mercurial: display working directory files sizes unless browsing a specific revision
- Preserve status filter and page number when using lock/unlock/activate links on the users list
- support for LDAP authentication
- Better error message and AR errors in log for failed LDAP on-the-fly user creation
- Redirected user to where he is coming from after logging hours
- Warn user that subprojects are also deleted when deleting a project
- Include subprojects versions on calendar and gantt
- Notify project members when a message is posted if they want to receive notifications
- Fixed: Feed content limit setting has no effect
- Fixed: Priorities not ordered when displayed as a filter in issue list
- Fixed: can not display attached images inline in message replies
- Fixed: Boards are not deleted when project is deleted
- Fixed: trying to preview a new issue raises an exception with postgresql
- Fixed: single file 'View difference' links do not work because of duplicate slashes in url
- Fixed: inline image not displayed when including a wiki page
- Fixed: CVS duplicate key violation
- Fixed: ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exception on closing a set of circular duplicate issues
- Fixed: custom field filters behaviour
- Fixed: Postgresql 8.3 compatibility
- Fixed: Links to repository directories don't work
v0.7.0 RC1 (2008-03-29)¶
- Overall activity view and feed added, link is available on the project list
- Git VCS support
- Rails 2.0 sessions cookie store compatibility
- Use project identifiers in urls instead of ids
- Default configuration data can now be loaded from the administration screen
- Administration settings screen split to tabs (email notifications options moved to 'Settings')
- Project description is now unlimited and optional
- Wiki annotate view
- Escape HTML tag in textile content
- Add Redmine links to documents, versions, attachments and repository files
- New setting to specify how many objects should be displayed on paginated lists. There are 2 ways to select a set of issues on the issue list:
- by using checkbox and/or the little tick that will select/unselect all issues
- by clicking on the rows (but not on the links), Ctrl and Shift keys can be used to select multiple issues
- Context menu disabled on links so that the default context menu of the browser is displayed when right-clicking on a link (click anywhere else on the row to display the context menu)
- User display format is now configurable in administration settings
- Issue list now supports bulk edit/move/delete (for a set of issues that belong to the same project)
- Merged 'change status', 'edit issue' and 'add note' actions:
- Users with 'edit issues' permission can now update any property including custom fields when adding a note or changing the status
- 'Change issue status' permission removed. To change an issue status, a user just needs to have either 'Edit' or 'Add note' permissions and some workflow transitions allowed
- Details by assignees on issue summary view
- 'New issue' link in the main menu (accesskey 7). The drop-down lists to add an issue on the project overview and the issue list are removed
- Change status select box default to current status
- Preview for issue notes, news and messages
- Optional description for attachments
- 'Fixed version' label changed to 'Target version'
- Let the user choose when deleting issues with reported hours to:
- delete the hours
- assign the hours to the project
- reassign the hours to another issue
- Date range filter and pagination on time entries detail view
- Propagate time tracking to the parent project
- Switch added on the project activity view to include subprojects
- Display total estimated and spent hours on the version detail view
- Weekly time tracking block for 'My page'
- Permissions to edit time entries
- Include subprojects on the issue list, calendar, gantt and timelog by default (can be turned off is administration settings)
- Roadmap enhancements (separate related issues from wiki contents, leading h1 in version wiki pages is hidden, smaller wiki headings)
- Make versions with same date sorted by name
- Allow issue list to be sorted by target version
- Related changesets messages displayed on the issue details view
- Create a journal and send an email when an issue is closed by commit
- Add 'Author' to the available columns for the issue list
- More appropriate default sort order on sortable columns
- Add issue subject to the time entries view and issue subject, description and tracker to the csv export
- Permissions to edit issue notes
- Display date/time instead of date on files list
- Do not show Roadmap menu item if the project doesn't define any versions
- Allow longer version names (60 chars)
- Ability to copy an existing workflow when creating a new role
- Display custom fields in two columns on the issue form
- Added 'estimated time' in the csv export of the issue list
- Display the last 30 days on the activity view rather than the current month (number of days can be configured in the application settings)
- Setting for whether new projects should be public by default
- User preference to choose how comments/replies are displayed: in chronological or reverse chronological order
- Added default value for custom fields
- Added tabindex property on wiki toolbar buttons (to easily move from field to field using the tab key)
- Redirect to issue page after creating a new issue
- Wiki toolbar improvements (mainly for Firefox)
- Display wiki syntax quick ref link on all wiki textareas
- Display links to Atom feeds
- Breadcrumb nav for the forums
- Show replies when choosing to display messages in the activity
- Added 'include' macro to include another wiki page
- RedmineWikiFormatting page available as a static HTML file locally
- Wrap diff content
- Strip out email address from authors in repository screens
- Highlight the current item of the main menu
- Added simple syntax highlighters for php and java languages
- Do not show empty diffs
- Show explicit error message when the scm command failed (eg. when svn binary is not available)
- Lithuanian translation added (Sergej Jegorov)
- Ukrainan translation added (Natalia Konovka & Mykhaylo Sorochan)
- Danish translation added (Mads Vestergaard)
- Added i18n support to the jstoolbar and various settings screen
- RedCloth's glyphs no longer user
- New icons for the wiki toolbar (from
- The following menus can now be extended by plugins: top_menu, account_menu, application_menu
- Added a simple rake task to fetch changesets from the repositories: rake redmine:fetch_changesets
- Remove hardcoded "Redmine" strings in account related emails and use application title instead
- Mantis importer preserve bug ids
- Trac importer: Trac guide wiki pages skipped
- Trac importer: wiki attachments migration added
- Trac importer: support database schema for Trac migration
- Trac importer: support CamelCase links
- Removes the Redmine version from the footer (can be viewed on admin -> info)
- Rescue and display an error message when trying to delete a role that is in use
- Add various 'X-Redmine' headers to email notifications: X-Redmine-Host, X-Redmine-Site, X-Redmine-Project, X-Redmine-Issue-Id, -Author, -Assignee, X-Redmine-Topic-Id
- Add "--encoding utf8" option to the Mercurial "hg log" command in order to get utf8 encoded commit logs
- Fixed: Gantt and calendar not properly refreshed (fragment caching removed)
- Fixed: Textile image with style attribute cause internal server error
- Fixed: wiki TOC not rendered properly when used in an issue or document description
- Fixed: 'has already been taken' error message on username and email fields if left empty
- Fixed: non-ascii attachement filename with IE
- Fixed: wrong url for wiki syntax pop-up when Redmine urls are prefixed
- Fixed: search for all words doesn't work
- Fixed: Do not show sticky and locked checkboxes when replying to a message
- Fixed: Mantis importer: do not duplicate Mantis username in firstname and lastname if realname is blank
- Fixed: Date custom fields not displayed as specified in application settings
- Fixed: titles not escaped in the activity view
- Fixed: issue queries can not use custom fields marked as 'for all projects' in a project context
- Fixed: on calendar, gantt and in the tracker filter on the issue list, only active trackers of the project (and its sub projects) should be available
- Fixed: locked users should not receive email notifications
- Fixed: custom field selection is not saved when unchecking them all on project settings
- Fixed: can not lock a topic when creating it
- Fixed: Incorrect filtering for unset values when using 'is not' filter
- Fixed: PostgreSQL issues_seq_id not updated when using Trac importer
- Fixed: ajax pagination does not scroll up
- Fixed: error when uploading a file with no content-type specified by the browser
- Fixed: wiki and changeset links not displayed when previewing issue description or notes
- Fixed: 'LdapError: no bind result' error when authenticating
- Fixed: 'LdapError: invalid binding information' when no username/password are set on the LDAP account
- Fixed: CVS repository doesn't work if port is used in the url
- Fixed: Email notifications: host name is missing in generated links
- Fixed: Email notifications: referenced changesets, wiki pages, attachments... are not turned into links
- Fixed: Do not clear issue relations when moving an issue to another project if cross-project issue relations are allowed
- Fixed: "undefined method 'textilizable'" error on email notification when running Repository#fetch_changesets from the console
- Fixed: Do not send an email with no recipient, cc or bcc
- Fixed: fetch_changesets fails on commit comments that close 2 duplicates issues.
- Fixed: Mercurial browsing under unix-like os and for directory depth > 2
- Fixed: Wiki links with pipe can not be used in wiki tables
- Fixed: migrate_from_trac doesn't import timestamps of wiki and tickets
- Fixed: when bulk editing, setting "Assigned to" to "nobody" causes an sql error with Postgresql
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago · 2 revisions locked