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Mischa The Evil, 2010-05-30 05:03
Fixed small typo and added two permissions (Manage subtasks & Export wiki pages) with description.

Roles & permissions

Roles lets you define the permissions that the members have on a project. Each member of a project has a one or multiples Role(s) for the project. A user can have different roles for different projects.

You can create new roles or edit existing ones. You can delete a role only if nobody has this role on a project.

Roles properties

  • Name: display name of the role
  • Issues can be assigned to this role: if unchecked, issues can not be assigned to members with this role on a project.


When editing a role, you can define its permissions by checking/unchecking the different actions.

Permission Description
Project permissions
Create project Allow non-admin users to create a root project
You can specify which role will be automatically given to a non-admin user who creates project (see RedmineSettings)
Edit project Allow user to edit project properties
Select project modules Allow user to enable/disable project modules (such as issues tracking, wiki, repository...)
Manage members Allow user to add/remove project members or change the roles of existing members
Manage versions Allow user to add/edit/delete project versions
Create subprojects Allow user to add subprojects to the project
Boards permissions
Manage boards Allow user to add/edit/delete project forums
Post messages Allow user to post new topics in forums
Edit messages Allow user to edit any message
Edit own messages Allow user to edit its own messages only
Delete messages Allow user to delete any topic or reply
Delete own messages Allow user to delete its own topics or replies
Documents permissions
Manage documents Allow user to add/edit/delete project documents
View documents Allow user to view documents
Files permissions
Manage files Allow user to add/edit/delete project files under the Files section
View files Allow user to view files
Issue tracking
Manage issue categories Allow user to add/edit/delete issue categories
View Issues Allow user to view project issues
Add issues Allow user to create new issues
Edit issues Allow user to fully edit existing issues
Manage issue relations Allow user to add/remove relations between issues
Manage subtasks Allow user to add/remove subtasks to issues
Add notes Allow user to add comments to existing issues
Edit notes Allow user to edit any issue comment
Edit own notes Allow user to edit its own comments only
Move issues Allow user to move existing issues to another project
Delete issues Allow user to delete issues
Manage public queries Allow user to add/edit/delete issue queries that are visible by all users
Save queries Allow user to save its own issue queries
View gantt chart Allow user to view the gantt chart
View calendar Allow user to view the calendar
View watchers list Allow user to see who is watching an issue
Add watchers Allow user to add other users as watchers of an issue
Delete watchers Allow user to remove watchers of an issue
News permissions
Manage news Allow user to add/edit/delete project news
Comment news Allow user to add comments to news
Repository permissions
Manage repository Allow user to configure the project repository
Browse repository Allow user to browse and view the content of the project repository
View changesets Allow user to view the chengesets
Commit access Used by to give write access to the project repository
See Repositories_access_control_with_apache_mod_dav_svn_and_mod_perl
Time tracking permissions
Log spent time Allow user to log time on the project
View spent time Allow user to view the time logs on the project
Edit time logs Allow user to edit any time log
Edit own time logs Allow user to edit its own time logs only
Manage project activities Allow user add/edit/delete activities
Wiki permissions
Manage wiki Allow user to create or delete the project wiki
Deleting a wiki is an irreversible operation, it deletes all pages and attached files!
Rename wiki pages Allow user to rename existing wiki page or assign wiki pages to a parent page
Delete wiki pages Allow user to delete wiki pages
Deleting a wiki page is an irreversible operation, the page and all its history are deleted!
View wiki Allow user to view the wiki
Export wiki pages Allow user to export wiki pages to various formats (pdf, html, ...)
View wiki history Allow user to view older versions of the wiki pages, and diff between versions
Edit wiki pages Allow user to edit unprotected wiki pages
Delete attachments Allow user to delete existing wiki page attachments
Protect wiki pages Allow user to lock/unlock wiki pages, and edit locked pages

System roles

There are 2 system roles in Redmine: 'Non member' and 'Anonymous'. They are internally used by Redmine and thus can not be deleted.

  • Non member: this role lets you define the permissions that a registered user has on projects which he is not a member of.
  • Anonymous: this role lets you define the permissions that anonymous users have on the projects.

Note that these 2 roles only apply to public projects since anonymous users and users who are not member of a private project can not even see it.

Some permissions can be not given to these roles. For example, the 'Manage members' permission can not be given to non member or anonymous users.

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 15 years ago · 7 revisions