



RedmineWikis » History » Revision 20

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Mischa The Evil, 2011-09-22 17:20
Added info from #3328 to "Wiki page history" and did some minor rewording.


Creating a new wiki page

As in every wiki, just add a link to the page you want to create.


Save the page and click on that link: you have created a new wiki page with "MyNewWikiPage" as its name.

Creating an additional wiki side bar

The content of the wiki page named 'Sidebar' is rendered in the wiki sidebar if it exists. Permission to protect wiki pages is required to create this page.

Creating sub-pages (parent/child relationships)

It is possible to create parent/child relationships between wiki-pages. This has two benefits:
  • On the "Index by title", the page tree in sorted according to the relationhips:
  • Guide
    • RedmineAccounts
    • RedmineCustomFields
    • RedmineInstall
    • RedmineIssueList
    • RedmineIssues
  • On each child page a breadcrumb is displayed showing the location of the page within the page tree:
    TODO, add image

These relations can be set by assigning a parent page to a to-be child-page. This assignment can be done via the rename dialog only.
Thus, create both the child- and parent-pages and then open the to-be child-page and click "rename", then select the name of the parent page and click "save".

Text formatting

See RedmineTextFormatting.

Protecting a wiki page

If you have the permission to protect wiki pages, you can click on Lock.

A locked wiki page can only be edited by users who have the permission to protect wiki pages.
It can be unlocked by those users by clicking Unlock.

Wiki page history

Redmine keeps a record of every change made to a wiki page. You can view the list of these changes by clicking on History.

To view a specific version of the page click on its number.

What is displayed can be misleading: Version 31/41 (diff) means that you are viewing version 31 out of 41, it does not mean that the diff link will show you the differences between 31 and 41. It does show you the differences between version 30 and 31. If you're looking at version 30, you'll see Version 30/41, and the diff will show you the changes in version 30.

If you want to see differences between 40 and 41, go to the revisions list and click 'View changes' (by default, it will show the diff of the last version).

You can revert a page to a previous version by clicking on Rollback to this version, then Save.
If you really want to delete all history of a page you have to copy the content of that page to a save place (copy/paste in edit window), delete the page and re-create it with the same name. Then you have to insert the copied content.


The contextual sidebar on the right of any wiki page provides links to:
  • Start page: Link to the configured start page of the wiki
  • Index by title: Index of all the wiki pages sorted by name (and, if configured, by parent/child relationships)

TODO, add image

  • Index by date: Index of all the wiki pages sorted by date of last modification

TODO, add image

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago · 20 revisions