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Mischa The Evil, 2009-03-24 09:50
Completed addition of screenshots

Squeejee theme

A theme for Redmine which is based on a dark but "shiny" color-scheme and which includes a subtle (re)styled project-menu.

Packager, contributor and maintainer

  • Mischa The Evil

Initial author


For the complete history of the theme's creation you could see this forum-thread.


The Squeejee© theme is an updated, packaged release of Wynn Netherland's work for Squeejee's internal Redmine instance. It initially was a heavily modified derivation of the alternate theme which required Redmine core hacks but is made stand-alone and working without core hacks (by using the core's support for project-menu item styling (r2059)) for this release.

It's looks can be best described as a dark theme with gradient backgrounds, dark-gray and bold links, but all with a "shiny" and "friendly" touch. It reintroduces the project-menu item-icons with the extension that styling of third-party plugins (including selected icons) is supported too.
Also the overflow to a second line of the project-menu, when using a lot of plugins with menu-items, is handled without disturbing the surrounding layout and elements.

The colour-scheme basically consists of three basic colours: black, grey and white.

It includes:
  • issue-colouring in the issuelist based on issue's priority
  • more sophistically styled "tabs", "tables", etc.
  • support for third-party plugins


Home Project overview
Home thumb Overview thumb
Project roadmap Project issuelist
Roadmap thumb Issuelist thumb
Issue Issue journal
Issue thumb Issue journal thumb
Repository 2nd project-menu line + plugin support
Repository thumb Second project-menu line thumb



The theme is compatible with Redmine 0.7.x, 0.8.x and the bleeding-edge in the trunk.


This theme is tested and found working (without major showstoppers) on the big-four of browser-engines:
  • Gecko (Mozilla)
  • Presto (Opera)
  • Trident (Internet Explorer)
  • WebKit (Safari/Chrome)

Though, mainly due to some poor browser CSS-implementations (mainly IE), some minor changes can occur.


This theme currently conflicts with the Collapse plugin v.0.1.0. An updated version of the plugin will be delivered soon...

Obtaining the theme

The theme can be downloaded as a packaged release as an attachment of this page or from the upcoming website


Follow the Redmine theme installation steps at:


1. Download the latest archive file from this page or from the upcoming
2. Unzip the file to your Redmine into the theme-directory "../public/themes"
3. Restart your Redmine


1. Remove the directory "squeejee" from the theme-directory "../public/themes"
2. Restart Redmine


This is a limited selection of the changes made to the theme. For the complete changelog see the CHANGELOG-file in the Squeejee theme directory.


  • Fixed: Project-menu icons aren't rendered after Redmine Core r2022
  • Fixed: Right-aligned columns on version-page have white background instead of being transparent
  • Fixed: Overflow of the content
  • Fixed: Issue-journals should be displayed behind the related-revisions block, not below it
  • Fixed: Issue-journal comment note-icons rendered for all paragraphs instead of the first only (now works on Gecko, Presto and WebKit [Chrome-only])
  • Fixed: Selected project-menu tabs aren't highlighted any longer after Redmine Core r2022
  • Added: Specific (project-menu) declarations for third-party plugins (including dedicated icons)
  • Enhanced: Global link-visibility
  • Enhanced: Styling of the issue-journals
  • Enhanced: Bordered-table styles imported from the Alternate-theme (by removing dependency on Alternate completely)
  • Enhanced: Project-menu overflow-handling when lots of modules (with project-menu items) are enabled on a project
  • Enhanced: Removed unused images from release (this saves downloading and installing around 1700+ unused image-files)
  • Enhanced: Removed lots of old code which was for internal purposes (based on core-hacks) only
  • Enhanced: Cleaned and Documented CSS-styling


  • Initial source by Wynn Netherland as of 20-11-2008


Thanks goes out to the following people:


This theme is open-source and licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL). Certain icons are part of the Fugue icon-set ( which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


If you need help, would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can contact the maintainer at his website (

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago · 2 revisions