



Theme List » History » Revision 4

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Mischa The Evil, 2009-07-28 01:48
Removed beta-status notification.

Redmine theme list

This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted in an alphabetical order. General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on Themes.


Alternate theme


Basecamp theme

  • Basecamp is a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme.
    • Author: _Peter Theill_
    • Latest release: n/a, 2009-07-17
    • Compatible with: Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a


Classic theme


Default theme

E - R

no entries


SP theme

Squeejee theme

  • Squeejee is a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities.
    • Author: _Wynn Netherland_
    • Latest release: 0.2.0, 2009-05-25
    • Compatible with: Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a

T - V

no entries


Watersky theme

X - Z

no entries

Redmine theme list legend

Sample entry

A sample of a complete themelist entry in Redmine syntax (where << and >> are used as a replacement for the square brackets to prevent parsing by Redmine) looks like this:

h3. Default theme

* <<ThemeDefault|Default>> the default Redmine theme (included).
** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":
** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-10
** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_
** Public SCM: _
** Public ITS: _


  • Every theme-entry starts with an heading h3
  • This previous heading is followed by a bulleted list item containing a short description of the theme starting with the name of the theme which links to an annouchement on the forums or a dedicated wiki-page on
  • After the previous list item we now have five bulleted sub-list items containing:
    • the author of the theme with a link to the profile page if the user is registered at
    • the latest release of the theme plus it's release-date, where the release-date is the date of the latest commit if the theme author does not provide packages or git-tags of releases ánd does not update the theme-version after every commit
    • the Redmine releases which the theme is compatible with (currently the only two values filled-in are 0.8.x and Trunk)
    • a link to the public SCM system for the theme (if it exists, otherwise n/a)
    • a link to the (dedicated, so no links to forum-threads on public ITS for the theme (if it exists, otherwise n/a)

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 15 years ago · 4 revisions