

Michal Nowak

  • Login: michaljnowak
  • Registered on: 2010-02-07
  • Last connection: 2010-02-16


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0



13:33 Redmine Help: RE: Documents - how can i make bold text two times in one line?
How can i bold [bold sample text with brackets] and then i want bold second word [bold sample text with brackets] ?
Michal Nowak
13:31 Redmine Help: Documents - how can i make bold text two times in one line?
How can i bold *[sample text]* and then i want bold second word *[sample text 2]* ?
result written above...
Michal Nowak


20:11 Redmine Help: RE: Sending email notification for unkown user
Felix Schäfer wrote:
> It depends on how you have configured the anonymous email reception: if the anonymous "report...
Michal Nowak
00:10 Redmine Help: Sending email notification for unkown user
I use Issue creation via email from anyone without a Redmine account.
Should Redmine send email notificati...
Michal Nowak

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