

Chris Geoghegan

  • Login: cghobbs
  • Registered on: 2010-02-26
  • Last connection: 2010-05-04


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



00:12 Redmine Defect #4942: "Status can't be blank" on Issues page (After Upgrade)
Thanks Jim! Please do up here again when it's fixed as I am sure there are others having this issue who would also li... Chris Geoghegan


22:49 Redmine Defect #4942 (Resolved): "Status can't be blank" on Issues page (After Upgrade)
I'm marking this as resolved because I believe it is an issue with the redmine_harvest plugin. A clean upgrade withou... Chris Geoghegan


18:34 Redmine Defect #4942: "Status can't be blank" on Issues page (After Upgrade)
It has been tested with fresh 0.9.2 without any plugins. But the database is not new. If I test it with a fresh datab... Chris Geoghegan


20:34 Redmine Defect #4942: "Status can't be blank" on Issues page (After Upgrade)
Yeah, I think it might be an issue specifically with upgrading from 0.8.7 to 0.9.2. After doing a little more testing... Chris Geoghegan
19:09 Redmine Defect #4942 (Closed): "Status can't be blank" on Issues page (After Upgrade)
The very first time you load the Issues tab of a project (after upgrading from 0.8.7 to 0.9.2) it works, but any time... Chris Geoghegan

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