

Kuniharu AKAHANE

  • Login: k.akahane
  • Registered on: 2010-10-15
  • Last connection: 2025-03-05


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



06:45 Redmine Feature #3369: Allowed/Disallowed email domains settings to restrict users' email addresses
Maeda-san, Thank you very much for the patch.
Our customer need this feature to keep the information security level....
Kuniharu AKAHANE


04:23 Redmine Patch #31987: Add rake task which synchronize all revisions in repositories related with all active projects
I re-upload the patch.
Fix a bug: Repository history synchronize will be ignored when issue keywords count in change...
Kuniharu AKAHANE


09:29 Redmine Patch #31987: Add rake task which synchronize all revisions in repositories related with all active projects
Thanks again. Kuniharu AKAHANE
09:05 Redmine Patch #31987: Add rake task which synchronize all revisions in repositories related with all active projects
oh, my mistakes.
Could you delete issue relation, please?
Kuniharu AKAHANE
07:53 Redmine Patch #31987 (New): Add rake task which synchronize all revisions in repositories related with all active projects
Hi, there.
Thank you JPL and all who contributed to improving Redmine such an excellent software.
I wrote a rak...
Kuniharu AKAHANE


17:06 Redmine Patch #29045: Change Japanese translation for Tracker
--- Japanese Part ---
* 意見者の背景
Redmineを利用して10年余りになります。主に製造業の業務システムと装置研究開発向けのIssue Tracking System及び知識基盤としてRedmine...
Kuniharu AKAHANE


09:17 Redmine Defect #28125: PNG images on a wiki page don't appear in exported PDF
After bundle update and Redmine app restart, rbpdf 1.19.5 works fine and all png images exported to pdf corre...
Kuniharu AKAHANE


04:47 Redmine Defect #22335: Images with non-ASCII file names are not shown in PDF
Thanks you very much for your time, naito-san.
I tried rbpdf 1.19.1 on our all redmine instanses.
The problem see...
Kuniharu AKAHANE


07:00 Redmine Defect #22335: Images with non-ASCII file names are not shown in PDF
Opps, Add captured images. Kuniharu AKAHANE
06:32 Redmine Defect #22335: Images with non-ASCII file names are not shown in PDF
Hi, Go Maeda.
Thanks for reporting this issue here.
I reproduced this issue on our site.
Just for your informati...
Kuniharu AKAHANE

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