

Alexander Meindl

  • Login: mr3dblond
  • Location: Munich
  • Registered on: 2011-03-04
  • Last connection: 2024-06-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 8 21 29



06:40 Redmine Defect #39862: Attachments functionality for (custom) plugins broken since fix for CVE-2022-44030
this change breaks all redmineup plugins with Redmine @5.1-stable@ branch (I suppose same with @5.0-stable@ bran...
Alexander Meindl


08:13 Redmine Defect #39803: Plugin modules no longer working
Hi Marius,
your new approach solved my problem. Everything with plugin testing works as before. Thanks for your ti...
Alexander Meindl


13:35 Redmine Defect #39803: Plugin modules no longer working
I found a side effect with change from @Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run@ to @Rails::TestUnit::Runner.run_from_rake@ ... Alexander Meindl


20:53 Redmine Defect #39803: Plugin modules no longer working
Hi Marius,
it looks good. All tests with master branch runs without problems:
Alexander Meindl
11:32 Redmine Defect #39803: Plugin modules no longer working
Marius BALTEANU wrote in #note-9:
> Method @rake_run@ was removed in Rails 7, we will properly fix this issue...
Alexander Meindl


15:14 Redmine Defect #39803: Plugin modules no longer working
Marius BALTEANU wrote in #note-5:
> There were some changes, but it should work as before.
our plugins to not ...
Alexander Meindl


13:07 Redmine Defect #39714: Query grouping filter not working for custom field relations
Just as note: I tested it without any plugin and with Redmine 5.1.0-stable. Ruby 3.2.2 and PostgreSQL 15. Alexander Meindl
13:02 Redmine Defect #39714 (Closed): Query grouping filter not working for custom field relations
With grouping filter for relations do no... Alexander Meindl


20:24 Redmine Patch #39699: More flexible CustomField usage for relations
The patch does not work, sorry. I suppose I have to search for the real solution for that.
This issue can be close...
Alexander Meindl
20:00 Redmine Patch #39699 (Closed): More flexible CustomField usage for relations
The change in #38772 prevents usage, if a class is a subclass of CustomField, e.g UserCustomField. No filter group na... Alexander Meindl

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