

Maciej Liżewski

  • Login: redguy666
  • Registered on: 2011-03-22
  • Last connection: 2024-11-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



10:40 Redmine Feature #35934: Show 2FA status in users list from administration with option to filter
@Go MAEDA - thanks I just figured it out by myself and wanted to add that info here! :)
Anyways - it is not clear en...
Maciej Liżewski


12:47 Redmine Feature #35934: Show 2FA status in users list from administration with option to filter
... Maciej Liżewski
07:50 Redmine Feature #35934 (Closed): Show 2FA status in users list from administration with option to filter
To control how many users enabled 2fa it is required to report it somehow. This could by just "2fa status" in users g... Maciej Liżewski


17:30 Redmine Help: RE: can I change default tracker for new issue?
that is not real solution, rather workaround, because order of trackers influences the way they are presented in issu... Maciej Liżewski


16:05 Redmine Feature #1365: Allow Project by Project setting of a 'Default' Tracker value including nil
Any updates in this area? Default tracker could really help... Maciej Liżewski


16:42 Redmine Patch #18911: check Setting.protocol when determining gravatar protocol
OK... That is also acceptable solution.
I did not know about it (using http header) and I did not find it when I was...
Maciej Liżewski


14:27 Redmine Patch #18911 (Closed): check Setting.protocol when determining gravatar protocol
proposed change is in line 1235 of app/helpers/application_helper.rb
options.merge!({:ssl => (request &&...
Maciej Liżewski


16:49 Redmine Plugins: RE: how to run custom plugin code AFTER project tree hierarchy update
wow, that would be great. I have no problem with several calls (in after_save and after_move).
But could you confirm...
Maciej Liżewski
16:32 Redmine Plugins: how to run custom plugin code AFTER project tree hierarchy update
Ok. I created plugin which adds after_create and after_save handlers in project AR model.
the problem is that those ...
Maciej Liżewski


14:17 Redmine Help: [solved] how to create new project in plugin?
Figured out - problem was elsewhere...
Maciej Liżewski

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