

Jens Krämer

  • Login: jkraemer
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 2011-09-30
  • Last connection: 2025-03-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 11 91 102



11:09 Redmine Patch #42477 (New): Configurable columns for the lists of child and related issues
The attached patch implements a global setting that allows to select which columns (issue attributes) should be rende... Jens Krämer


07:37 Redmine Defect #42394 (Confirmed): inconsistent behaviour between attachment download routes with and without filename
Currently, depending on the filename extension of the attachment (i.e., zip or txt), the named attachment download ro... Jens Krämer


08:52 Redmine Patch #42335: "Progress bar" custom field format
Thank you for creating the screenshots. Here is an updated patch with references to Planio removed. Jens Krämer


10:16 Redmine Patch #42335 (New): "Progress bar" custom field format
The attached patch adds a new custom field format "Progress bar", which behaves like the existing "Done Ratio" Issue ... Jens Krämer


06:33 Redmine Feature #13244: Restrict log time for old days
Marius BĂLTEANU wrote in #note-49:
> I fully agree that having the option to override some settings at the project l...
Jens Krämer


09:49 Redmine Feature #13244: Restrict log time for old days
Upon user request, we have developed a very simple solution at "Planio":, which allows... Jens Krämer
08:52 Redmine Feature #40588: Ability to disable table sort
the attached patch adds a setting to disable the table sorting Jens Krämer


03:02 Redmine Patch #41624 (Closed): CSS-fix to prevent 'blinking' tooltips
At [Planio]( we've had users of the Chrome browser reporting that sometimes, the tool... Jens Krämer


05:07 Redmine Feature #41272 (Closed): Improve tooltip positioning for thumbnails
Currently the tooltip of thumbnails belongs to the @a@ tag, and the tooltip is placed accordingly above that, coverin... Jens Krämer


12:02 Redmine Feature #37862: Estimated time remaining issue query column
Looks good to me! Jens Krämer

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