

Stéphane Thomas

  • Login: stephane
  • Registered on: 2012-02-22
  • Last connection: 2015-10-29


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0



18:01 Redmine Feature #3511: Ability to sort issues by grouped column
That's it, Rick! Stéphane Thomas


16:02 Redmine Feature #3511: Ability to sort issues by grouped column
Since I've encountered some weird errors with this new patch when browsing issues, I did repackage it as a plugin. En... Stéphane Thomas


10:39 Redmine Feature #3511: Ability to sort issues by grouped column
I've just updated to Redmine 1.4.1 and indeed my patch did not work any more. Here is a new one:... Stéphane Thomas


08:44 Redmine Feature #5487: Allow subtasks to cross projects
+1 Stéphane Thomas
08:40 Redmine Feature #7907: Display Issues in a hierarchy (tree)
+1 Stéphane Thomas
08:40 Redmine Feature #5275: Show tree of issues instead of a list in Roadmap
+1 Stéphane Thomas


15:00 Redmine Feature #3207: Better Breadcrumbs
+1 Stéphane Thomas


14:52 Redmine Feature #482: Default assignee on each project
Could this be be released in trunk?
Stéphane Thomas
10:29 Redmine Feature #1828: Default target version for new issues
Could this be be released in trunk, as requested 12 months ago?
Stéphane Thomas
08:58 Redmine Feature #3511: Ability to sort issues by grouped column
In the meantime, I've added the following patch in a new file @config/initializers/versions.rb@:...
Stéphane Thomas

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