



Feature #482


Default assignee on each project

Added by Motohiro Takayama over 17 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


It would nice to have a setting item to select default assignment for a new ticket,


default_assignee.patch (2.88 KB) default_assignee.patch Raffaello Pelagalli, 2010-06-24 18:21
482.patch (6.62 KB) 482.patch Felix Schäfer, 2017-03-14 22:49
default_assignee.png (42.7 KB) default_assignee.png Jean-Philippe Lang, 2017-07-21 21:16

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #10947: Default assignment based on project and issue state (this is not a duplicate of issue #482).Closed

Related to Redmine - Feature #11652: configurable issue tracker defaultNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #2709: Modify default valuesClosed2009-02-10

Related to Redmine - Feature #13789: default assignmentClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #3517: Assign an issue to person based on the issue statusNew2009-06-19

Related to Redmine - Defect #26072: Set default assignee before validationClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Feature #16351: Option to set default member for uncategorized issuesClosed

Related to Redmine - Defect #33113: Default version and assignee are not exposed via projects APIClosedGo MAEDA

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #448: Default user assigned to projectClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #13123: Assigned default userClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #2558: Assign all new issues to myselfClosed2009-01-21

Actions #1

Updated by Curtis Stewart about 17 years ago

I just was asked if this feature was possible.

This would enhance the usage from a group of users, so if possible this should be set the the project or the tracker.

Actions #2

Updated by James Robertson almost 16 years ago

I would like to vote for this feature, as would the people in these discussion topics I imagine:

Actions #3

Updated by Tim Aleinikoff almost 16 years ago

I would like to see this feature in redmine.

Actions #4

Updated by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

  • Category set to Issues

Good idea. I'm thinking this would have to be per project.

Actions #5

Updated by Douglas Campos almost 16 years ago

I'm looking at this now....patch is comming soon

Actions #6

Updated by Zarooba Rozruba almost 16 years ago

This would be great, I have been trying to set up categories in many of projects. Some users try to fill every field out, and categories have own assignment.

However, half of my projects lack categories, and for those that do, only half of users bother with categories.

Actions #7

Updated by Douglas Campos almost 16 years ago

I will need some help at the position of the selector in settings screen. (Visual tips)

wip branch at

Actions #8

Updated by Adam Piotr Żochowski almost 16 years ago

Hi Douglas,

I have tried your change, am not sure if I understand how it behaves, could be that I failed backporting it to 0.8.3.

What I did to get your change going

SQL: ran
alter table projects add default_assignee_id int;

/app/models/project.rb: added line
has_one :default_assignee, :class_name => "Member"

/app/controllers/issue_controller.rb: added lines
@issue.assigned_to_id =

/app/views/_projects/_form.rhtml: added lines

<%  members = @project.members.find(:all, :include => [:role, :user]).sort %>
<%= :default_assignee_id, 
    members.collect{|member| [,]}, 
    {:include_blank => :none} %>

This is your change as far as I can read it.

Recommended change

The major change I would do is your issue_controller.rb.
You have changed that issue opens with a assigned to being already picked. This is wrong, as now category based assigned to are ignored.

Instead, I would put the default assigned to through the /app/models/issue.rb where I would add secondary fallback, If still no assigned to, use default assigned to. This would then become something along the lines of:

  def before_create
    # default assignment based on category
    if assigned_to.nil? && category && category.assigned_to
      self.assigned_to = category.assigned_to
++    if assigned_to.nil? 
++        self.assigned_to_id = @project.default_assignee_id
++    end

(not sure if proper diff syntax, hand made)


In model project.rb, you have defined that default_assignee is a member type, yet in database, and everywhere else, you write (not . If that is the case, why not define the model that default_assignee is just user. Afterall, only the dropdown (in /app/views/_projects/_form.rhtml) loads data from Members anyways.

Thank you and kind regards

Actions #9

Updated by Douglas Campos almost 16 years ago

Hi Adam!

Thanks for looking at this! As I've told, this is a WIP fork...

Anyways, your suggestion rocks! I will implement it ASAP. Now I'm digging the insides of redmine, there's always room for improvement in my code!

Again, thank you for taking the time to review this.

Actions #10

Updated by Douglas Campos almost 16 years ago

I've almost finished it (more tests maybe?)

Can someone review it again? (


Actions #11

Updated by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 7
  • Assignee set to Eric Davis

Thanks, I'll do a quick review of the patch.

Actions #12

Updated by Adam Piotr Żochowski almost 16 years ago

I am running this on my Redmine without problems.

With patch #3461 I now have a setup that I enjoy.

Anyone can create Issue
Issue is auto routed (based on category / default assigned to)
That person either approves the issue (and re-routes to developer), or rejects it

Eric, is there anything I can help with to have this included into official Redmine. I can provide you with udiff for 0.8.4.

Kind regards

Actions #13

Updated by Gregor Bader almost 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Thanks, I'll do a quick review of the patch.

Would like to see this in main branch. Another option would be to set the "Assigned to" field mandatory.

Actions #14

Updated by Alex G. over 15 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Thanks, I'll do a quick review of the patch.


Maybe it makes sense to have a global setting per project with an ability to overwrite it by the tracker setting (like of defaulted assignment on the tracker level is not set then we user project defaulted assignment)?

Reason is that there could be different departments (support groups) by tracker type - like 1st line support, technical support, R&D...

Actions #15

Updated by Robert Chady over 15 years ago

I have a strong dislike for patches in an actively developed application. For this reason, I took a stab at converting this patch to a plugin. It will require an update anytime views/projects/_form.rhtml changes due to it overriding the core one.

I've requested a new hook (#3735) to be added to get around this.

The plugin was written against the latest trunk version and is at git:// Comments are welcome.

Actions #16

Updated by Karlis Vitols about 15 years ago

We would be very greatful, if you could provide feedback, if this feature is to be resolved in nearest 2-3 months?

Actions #17

Updated by Anton Statutov almost 15 years ago

The Plugin doesn't work with the latest Redmine version. I'm still searching the solution. Anybody have one?

Actions #18

Updated by Paul Dann almost 15 years ago

Anton Statutov wrote:

The Plugin doesn't work with the latest Redmine version. I'm still searching the solution. Anybody have one?

The plugin works OK for me. Did you run the database migration that is required by the plugin? (rake db:migrate_plugins)

Actions #19

Updated by Raffaello Pelagalli almost 15 years ago

Didn't saw this issue before making the patch :)
Here is a patch for this

Actions #20

Updated by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Eric Davis)
Actions #21

Updated by Oli Kessler over 14 years ago

Raffaello Pelagalli wrote:

Didn't saw this issue before making the patch :)
Here is a patch for this

The patch works fine for 1.0.2.stable, thank you.
The I18N is missing, though - we had to add translations in the file "config/locales/en.yml" (and other locales):

 field_default_assignee : Default Assignee

Actions #22

Updated by Oli Kessler over 14 years ago

The project jumpbox seems to be affected by this patch - it will just show the projects, this user is assigned to as the default assignee instead of all the projects.

This is due to the line has_many :projects, :foreign_key => 'default_assignee_id', :dependent => :nullify in the user model. Is this behaviour intentional or just a side effect?

Actions #23

Updated by Frank Harper over 14 years ago

Oli Kessler wrote:

The project jumpbox seems to be affected by this patch - it will just show the projects, this user is assigned to as the default assignee instead of all the projects.

Oli, I just installed the plugin (not the patch) and haven't noticed any problems yet. By project jumpbox do you mean http://hostname/redmine/projects? This is where a user lands after clicking on "Projects" in the header.

Actions #24

Updated by James Robertson almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from 7 to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This was implemented in the core product some time ago.

"Default assignee" drop-down list of "Information" tab of "Settings" tab for a Project

Actions #25

Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to New
  • % Done changed from 100 to 0

I think it's a plugin, I don't have such setting.

Actions #26

Updated by Cornell Wright over 13 years ago


This is really a necessary feature. For us, issues tend to get lost sometimes until someone goes back and assigns issues without an assignee.

Etienne Massip wrote:

I think it's a plugin, I don't have such setting.

Does anyone know what plugin this is? This would solve my problem. I can't seem to find it in the plugins directory.

Actions #28

Updated by Dave Lowndes over 13 years ago

The plugin doesn't work for me either. It shows up, gives me a setting for the project but the setting's not saved and I still don't get a defaulty ehn creating a new issue. Would be nice for core please!


Actions #29

Updated by Paul Dann over 13 years ago

You could try using my fork on Github ( Rchady seems to not be maintaining his repository any more, and it's broken with the latest Redmines.

Actions #30

Updated by Radek Antoniuk about 13 years ago

Guys, I know that you have little development time but...
Please at least set sensible "expected" version or dates ... or merge... or do anything. For now there are already 3+ tickets for this that had been assigned, re-assigned, dis-assigned and so on...

Actions #31

Updated by Stéphane Thomas about 13 years ago


Could this be be released in trunk?

Actions #32

Updated by Lucas Jenß over 12 years ago

+1 This would be really neat.

Actions #33

Updated by Chris Roemmich over 12 years ago

I've updated the plugin Paul posted for Redmine 2.x.

Actions #34

Updated by Andreas M over 12 years ago

Chris Roemmich wrote:

I've updated the plugin Paul posted for Redmine 2.x.

Thank you very much for this update. It works really great and should be included in redmine directly, or at least in the plugin list, as the original version works only for redmine <1.4

Actions #35

Updated by Sylvain Langlade over 12 years ago

I wanted to post this on the project's github page, but miserably failed to do so. here is a small contribution to this plugin : a french translation. Just add a config/locales/fr.yml file in the projet with the following content :

# French strings go here for Rails i18n
  field_default_assignee: "Assignement par defaut" 
  default_assign_text_settings: "Options" 
  default_assign_settings_help: "Assignement par defaut pour les nouveaux projets" 
  label_user: "Utilisateur" 

And thanks for this great plugin. It really should be included in redmine directly !

Actions #36

Updated by Paul Dann over 12 years ago

Thanks Sylvain; I've added it to my repo: I've also pulled in Andreas's changes.

Actions #37

Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago

+1. I do use the default assign plugin, but wont it be a great utility in Redmine core?

Actions #38

Updated by Anthony Lara almost 12 years ago

Can we use this plugin if we installed Redmine with the package Bitnami?

Actions #39

Updated by Anthony Lara almost 12 years ago

I've installed the plugin, bit when i want to click on "configure" (in page Plugin), i Have got the 404 error, why?

Actions #40

Updated by Paul Dann almost 12 years ago

Thanks for reporting the problem. FYI, this page is for the Redmine feature request. For future bugs in the plugin, please create an issue here:

I can see the same problem, and I'll fix it soon.

Actions #41

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 12 years ago

Actions #42

Updated by Gurvan Le Dromaguet over 11 years ago

+1 per project auto assignment is a must have for me

Actions #43

Updated by Miodrag Milic over 11 years ago


The default person should be placed for each Tracker.

Actions #44

Updated by Vitaliy S over 11 years ago

there must be either auto assignment to person or group (by round robin rule, one from the group should be assigned)

No progress within 6 years, impressive.

Actions #45

Updated by Viktor Berke almost 11 years ago


Seriously, how more trivial could it be to add an option to make << me >> the default assignee?

Actions #46

Updated by Fred B over 10 years ago


Actions #47

Updated by Fred B over 10 years ago

Any developpement? Well it's been 6 years! ;)

Actions #48

Updated by sch uess over 10 years ago

A per-project "default assignee" setting (not a must, though)

Actions #49

Updated by J Bolt almost 10 years ago

Is it possible to have this update to a selected pool of assignee's when the status changes say from "In Progress" to "Resolved" so that it will automatically show up for testing and closure (original assignee doesn't have to choose who gets it next... requiring them to actually think... ;-) ). I seen this featured asked for before but haven't seen it implemented well and having a single plugin to do both auto assignment on creation and resolving would be ++.

Actions #50

Updated by Wim DePreter almost 10 years ago

J Bolt wrote:

Is it possible to have this update to a selected pool of assignee's when the status changes say from "In Progress" to "Resolved" so that it will automatically show up for testing and closure (original assignee doesn't have to choose who gets it next... requiring them to actually think... ;-) ). I seen this featured asked for before but haven't seen it implemented well and having a single plugin to do both auto assignment on creation and resolving would be ++.

Your request seems like feature #3517 (not implemented yet).
There is someone in this issue who refers to plugin (not free)

Actions #51

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3517: Assign an issue to person based on the issue status added
Actions #52

Updated by Peter L. over 9 years ago


Actions #53

Updated by Emrah KAVUN about 9 years ago

Hi there,
I need this functionality. Shall I patch my Redmine 3.2 or is this integrated and I haven't seen it yet?


Actions #54

Updated by Paul Dann about 9 years ago

As far as I'm aware, your best bet is still to install the plugin at:

Actions #55

Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago


Actions #56

Updated by Abel Yeom over 8 years ago


Actions #57

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 8 years ago

Please find attached a patch to add the functionality, including migrating settings from the Plugin if available.

Most things are comparable/copied from the default version mechanisms. The main difference is that there already are per-category default assignees. As per-category is more specific than per-project, category default assignee take precedence over per-project default assignee.

Actions #58

Updated by Jan from Planio about 8 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

This is something that has been requested by many users at Planio and it seems to be popular here on as well. Let's include it in an upcoming release, maybe 3.4?

Actions #59

Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago

Felix, thanks for sharing the patch.
I think it would be greater if there is a option "<<Current user>>" in the dropdown. It assigns new issues to the author of the issue. There are similar requests:

Actions #60

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 8 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

Felix, thanks for sharing the patch.
I think it would be greater if there is a option "<<Current user>>" in the dropdown. It assigns new issues to the author of the issue.

Thanks for the suggestion, this would be a nice addition.

I'm afraid this would bring some additional challenges too, as "<<Current user>>" would not handle the case were the author is anonymous (either because the project is open or because it was received by mail with the permissions override option). So if you add "<<Current user>>" as an option you would need to add a fallback default assigned to to make sure new issues created by anonymous will be assigned to someone too. I would prefer to handle this in a new issue to keep this patch small enough to be added quickly.

Actions #61

Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next minor release to 3.4.0

Felix Schäfer wrote:

I'm afraid this would bring some additional challenges too, as "<<Current user>>" would not handle the case were the author is anonymous (either because the project is open or because it was received by mail with the permissions override option). So if you add "<<Current user>>" as an option you would need to add a fallback default assigned to to make sure new issues created by anonymous will be assigned to someone too. I would prefer to handle this in a new issue to keep this patch small enough to be added quickly.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. This patch looks good as the first step.
Many people have waited for this feature for years. Let's deliver this feature in Redmine 3.4.0.

Actions #62

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from default assignment setting to Default assignee on each project
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Committed, thanks.

Actions #63

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago

  • Related to Defect #26072: Set default assignee before validation added
Actions #64

Updated by Luis Blasco over 7 years ago


I've updated two installations to the 3.4. version but I'm not able to find this new feature in the project settings. Where should I find it?

Thanks in advance.

Actions #65

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 7 years ago

The default assignee wan be set from the first tab of project settings. The field shows up if you have assignable users on your project (eg. members with a role that is assignable).
This issue is closed, please open a new issue if it does not work as expected.

Actions #66

Updated by Luis Blasco over 7 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, Jean-Philippe. The issue was due to a plugin's conflict. Solved.

Actions #67

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #16351: Option to set default member for uncategorized issues added
Actions #68

Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago

  • Related to Defect #33113: Default version and assignee are not exposed via projects API added
Actions #69

Updated by Go MAEDA over 3 years ago

Actions #70

Updated by Go MAEDA about 2 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #2558: Assign all new issues to myself added

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