

Nishida Yuya

  • Login: nishidayuya
  • Registered on: 2021-04-09
  • Last connection: 2024-06-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



14:36 Redmine Defect #38707 (Closed): Fix order of loading plugins' config/routes.rb
When loading @init.rb@, uses sort (source:tags/5.0.5/lib/redmine/plugin_loader.rb#L117), but loading plugin's @config... Nishida Yuya


09:41 Redmine Patch #38645: RuntimeError when calling Project#destroy with overridden activity time entry
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-1:
> Thank you for posting the patch but it has already been fixed in #38286.
Oh, sorry! ...
Nishida Yuya


19:04 Redmine Patch #38646: Remove unused locale entry: label_optgroup_others
#31355 and #32944 are related issues.
#I cannot set issue relation. Maybe I don't have "Manage issue relations" perm...
Nishida Yuya
18:32 Redmine Patch #38646 (Closed): Remove unused locale entry: label_optgroup_others
@label_optgroup_others@ was born at r18181 , and only used by @ApplicationHelper#render_projects_for_jump_box@ .
Nishida Yuya
17:54 Redmine Patch #38645 (Closed): RuntimeError when calling Project#destroy with overridden activity time entry
@Enumeration@ has checks no records source:tags/5.0.5/app/models/enumeration.rb#L137 . So, @TimeEntry@ is must be del... Nishida Yuya

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