

crystal su

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 2023-08-24
  • Last connection: 2024-12-17


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



09:34 Redmine Open discussion: About the naming format of redmine file storage
All the bug attachments I submitted are stored in the directory /opt/redmine/file...
crystal su


07:29 Redmine Defect #39505 (New): redmine preview whether the image can be scaled with the mouse
The images in the page appear to be adaptive to the browser window size. Images are zoomed in and out based on browse... crystal su
07:05 Redmine Open discussion: redmine preview whether the image can be scaled with the mouse
The images in the page appear to be adaptive to the browser window size. Images are zoomed in and out based on browse... crystal su
06:25 Redmine Help: redmine preview whether the image can be scaled with the mouse
The images in the page appear to be adaptive to the browser window size. Images are zoomed in and out based on browse... crystal su


05:58 Redmine Defect #39044 (Closed): mp4 videos in some encoding formats cannot be played

I found some videos played with only sound and no picture
I have checked...
crystal su
05:47 Redmine Help: RE: can not preview video
Holger Just wrote in message#68824:
> You need to set a header in nginx which indicates on the backend application s...
crystal su


05:04 Redmine Help: RE: can not preview video
Holger Just wrote in message#68797:
> This was also cross-posted to #38982
Bother you again
When I preview and p...
crystal su


17:12 Redmine Help: RE: can not preview video
Thank you very much when I added proxy_set_header Host $host; Rules in the nginx configuration file, the video can pl... crystal su


05:25 Redmine Defect #38982: Can not preview video
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-1:
> In attachment:clipboard-202308241125-d08ea.png, there is an error message "NS_ERROR_CONN...
crystal su


11:20 Redmine Help: can not preview video
This is my redmine environment information. I saw that the official website redmine4.0 began to support online previe... crystal su

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