


A link to an issue from an Office document closes your Redmine session and requires explicit login

Added by Pedro Gutierrez about 14 years ago

We have an excel sheet for additional tracking of our projects. This excel sheet contains a list of links to issues opened in Redmine.

If you click in one of these links, it can happen one of two things:
  • The issue is opened in a new tab of the browser. But, for that you have to allow anonymous users to connect to your Redmine instance without explicit loggin required what is not always a good idea...
  • Or, if anonymous users are not allowed, but you have, instead, a valid Redmine session previously opened in your browser, then your redmine session misteriously expires and your are obliged to loggin again not only to see the linked issue (from excel) but for everything. In some way Office? has closed the existing session.

However, if you do the same with a link in other kind of document (not Office I mean) such as for example a link embedded in your email client and you have an open Redmine session, everything goes Ok. A new tab appears in your browser and the session information is reused so that it does not require an explicit login.

¿Any hint about how can I prevent Office from clossing my session?


Replies (5)

RE: A link to an issue from an Office document closes your Redmine session and requires explicit login - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Are you sure the links in your office docs are the exact same as the same you have in the browser? (http vs https, www and not www, …)

RE: A link to an issue from an Office document closes your Redmine session and requires explicit login - Added by Pedro Gutierrez about 14 years ago

It was just a matter of adding the following key to the registry:


RE: A link to an issue from an Office document closes your Redmine session and requires explicit login - Added by Adriano Ceccarelli over 10 years ago


I'm working with redmine 2.0.3 and office 2013. This solution don't resolved my problem.
Some sugestion ?

