


Identify sub-project via email

Added by Gael Reignier almost 14 years ago

Hi every body,

First of all, thanks for this piece of software, it is really brilliant!

Here, we are using it to manage different projects involving different people.

What we want to be able to do is, when we receive the ticket updates, to use email filters to organize our mailboxes in order to improve efficiency and visibility.

Is there a way to configure redmine so I know what project an update belongs to just by looking at the subject or content of the generated email?

What we are looking for is a mechanism / parameter that links the projects, sub-projects, sub-sub-projects and that is sent on the email update.

We tried a couple of solutions but without success:

  • using the "issue category" option as it is present in the body of the email but we found it too much of a constraint for the end-user as they need to set it up every time.
  • creating one instance of Redmine per project: this is not scalable as every time we need to create a database instance and it is administration burden.
  • prefixing the subproject name with the project code: that puts a constraint every time we need to create a subproject.
What I think may allow us to do what we want are the following:
  • Being able to add a prefix in the email subject on a project basis that will then be used for sub-projects...
  • Using a different sender email address for each project

Is it possible with the current version of Redmine or do you know if any plugin exists to do that? I already looked at the plugin list but nothing seemed to do that...

Any idea is very welcome.

Thanks a lot in advance for your reply :)


Replies (5)

RE: Identify sub-project via email - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

There is a header called "X-Redmine-Project" in the mails redmine sends which contains the identifier of the project, which in our installation is always proj1-subproj1-subsubproj1, so we could probably filter by that, but I don't know what your setup looks like. Maybe that helps.

RE: Identify sub-project via email - Added by Gael Reignier almost 14 years ago

Hi Felix and thanks for your reply,

I managed to filter based on the X-Redmine-Project (thanks to Thunderbird) but the header only reports the project that the issue belongs to. We are using Redmine 0.9.4.stable (MySQL).

How did you do to have the "proj1-subproj1-subsubproj1" on the X-Redmine-Project header?

Thanks in advance for letting me know :)


RE: Identify sub-project via email - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

The identifiers of our subprojects are like that, it's not something we change in redmine, it's a pattern we have chosen.

RE: Identify sub-project via email - Added by Gael Reignier almost 14 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply!

Identify parent-project via email - Added by Ilya Zharskiy over 10 years ago

and what about parent project?
