


Two different way to edit ticket priorities, but with different result

Added by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago

I asking me why there are two way's to create ticket priorities.

  1. Administration>User defined fields>ticket priorities : Here i can even add different types, required field od regexp.
  2. Administration>Ticket enumeration: Here is the "real" priority setting, wehre i also can set the order for them.

The first way doesn't make sense, does it? What will happen if i se a priority to reired, or why shall i set a list of ine value of priority?

I must be missing something, plz help me to understand.

Replies (4)

RE: Two different way to edit ticket priorities, but with different result - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I don't think the custom fields aren't used anywhere (yet?), or at least I could find no other mention or usage of them other than in this list in the code.

RE: Two different way to edit ticket priorities, but with different result - Added by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago

Ok, so if i understood correctly, the 1. approach is useless at the moment and morover it could be called a bug, i fact that is non functional gui. Shall i make a bug report for it? Wouldn't it better to remove the whole tab?

RE: Two different way to edit ticket priorities, but with different result - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Ok, so if i understood correctly, the 1. approach is useless at the moment and morover it could be called a bug, i fact that is non functional gui.

Non-useful GUI: yes, non-functional: no (the custom fields get inserted, they're just not used anywhere), bug: no (doesn't break any functionality).

Shall i make a bug report for it? Wouldn't it better to remove the whole tab?

Please do and we'll investigate, but it's probably a relict of some earlier version.
