


Required fields depending on status

Added by Andre Meij over 13 years ago


First: thanks for a splendid project management tool.

I am trying to enforce a rather strict workflow and I would like to make certain fields required for certain statusses: for example if an issue becomes "scheduled" it should have a target version.

Next to that it would be nice if some info could be prepopulated, for example all issues are by default put in a version called "Future", it would be nice if that version was the default when creating a new issue.

Is this possible with stock redmine (I was unable to find it) and if not, would it be possible to create this with a simple plugin? I'm a rails developer so I'd look into it if it is not available in some form.


Replies (8)

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Andre Meij over 13 years ago

Thinking about it, it would be nice if per "Issue status" we could have a screen which shows all the editable fields for an issue and checkboxes next to it with how it should appear in the form:

Issue status: Schedule

                  Visible   Editable  Required   Default value
Status:           X         X         X          Scheduled
Priority:         X
Assignee:         X         X         X          Some Dev teamlead
Category:         X
Target version:   X         X

This would significantly limit the large amount of fields available in every status making issue maintenance faster and easier.

Any plans for such a feature?

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Corporate Redmine User Wishing To Stay Anonymous over 13 years ago

I would strongly vote for such a feature.
We here have previously used TeamTrack and are phasing it out now in favor of Redmine. A feature such as the one you are asking for was available in TeamTrack and is sort of missing in Redmine.

This would be particularly usefull if it would also apply to custom fields. Instead of "Target version" we use two custom fields, namely "Found in" and "Fixed in". Lacking the feature being requested here, we have set "Found in" to mandatory and "Fixed in" to optional. However, "Fixed in" should be propagated to "mandatory" when the issue is being closed. We currently have to rely on the issue worker to supply the value when closing the issue and with the feature we could let Redmine enforce that the value is supplied for closed issues.

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Andre Meij over 13 years ago

If someone can shed some light on how this issue relates to the current roadmap (as I see a lot of issues pertaining the workflow in the roadmap but not this one specifically) that would be great.

If this is not something suitable for Redmine core then I want to investigate creating a plugin with this functionality. The problem seems to be that the plugin will have to override a significant number of views to be able to accomplish this. However overriding views in a plugin smells like a bad practice.

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

I'm also absolut interested in such a function. This would be very helpful to build up some processes (f.i. CAPA) in Redmine. Currently we are working with 1.0.1 and we are waiting for improvment in the workflow management.

I prefer an implemetation in the Redmine core, because the validation is much easier. I found no ticket for this feature?

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

Please See #8005

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Sorry, I closed #8005 as duplicate of #2500 :/

RE: Required fields depending on status - Added by Ryan Rangel over 12 years ago

It looks like #1917 was also asking for this feature but they were only asking for close.
