


Should I contribute or not?

Added by Matheus Dewes about 13 years ago

Hello everyone

My name is Matheus, I'm brazilian and I consider myself a Rails student, the difference is that I'm learning by my own.

I've had a hard time seting up redmine on the computer with rails andeverything in a Ubuntu 11.04 VM.

Now that thingss are ok. I'd like to spare my idea:

My next step in learning is to try something in an existing project, ok it's Redmine, and if I finish it, and if it's of interest of the community I may contribute on it's repository in github.

What am I going to do?

Simple, let's think about timelogging. In Redmine now you say just how many hours you are working. Many people (in Brazil at last) that work with HR and Team Management will want to search for something like:

"What where John doing on June's 1st?"

Using the Timelog you can choose the day, but if you update, it'll use the currant day, it may not being upated on the same day, so I think there should be a field for the day where you may put the day.

Also, you have to count the hours that you are working, and sometimes you need to explain what you were doing in the coments. In this case it would be a good change to have "st_hour" and "end_hour" for starting hour and ending, and forget about the "hours" field it would be calculated.

To avoid having to make 2 registers each day (morning and afternoon) we can have a field like "lunch_hours" where ou say how many hours you wasn't working.

I thought about using a configuration where the company can "force" the lunch time, but there's a lot of people that is used to lunch fast to work overtime or for some reason may arrive later.

Anyway it's what I'm going to change in redmine to learn more about ruby on rails. Jus want to know if it's worht enough to be a topic on the Development discussions. And if I can ask for help here if I need...

Thanks everyone and have a nice week.

Replies (4)

RE: Should I contribute or not? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 13 years ago

Matheus Dewes wrote:

Using the Timelog you can choose the day, but if you update, it'll use the currant day, it may not being upated on the same day, so I think there should be a field for the day where you may put the day.

You can already choose another day than today by clicking on Log Time on an issue view, see RedmineTimeTracking.

RE: Should I contribute or not? - Added by Matheus Dewes about 13 years ago

Yes, I've mentioned this, just wrote it wrong :P

What about the starting hour and finish hour for a time log? where you can calculate the "worked hours"?

What do you guys think?

RE: Should I contribute or not? - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

Checkout StuffTodo and its forks.

What realy is missing is a holiday and work time managment.
THis would need to be able to set holiday and free days in calendar and be able to see this info when assigning issues. Could be calculcated automactically. estiamted time shouldn't be > than time between start and end of issues minus holiday. Working hours shalle be set and updated by users on MyPage.

RE: Should I contribute or not? - Added by Matheus Dewes about 13 years ago

Hello again everyone,

Here's what I have for now.

Changed the models/time_entry.rb


require 'chronic_duration'

attr_accessor :f_hours

before_save :format_hours

validates_presence_of :f_hours #removed :hours

def format_hours
  if self.f_hours != nil then
    self.hours = ChronicDuration::parse((self.f_hours + ':00'))

Changes in controllers/timelog_controller.rb:

require 'chronic_duration'
@total_hours = ChronicDuration::output(TimeEntry.visible.sum(:hours, :include => [:project, :issue], :conditions => cond.conditions).round.to_i, :format => :chrono)   #on line #66

and on views/timelog/edit.html.erb
changed the f.textfield from :hours to :f_hours

Did some tests it's OK et, gonna try more testing and if someone have any idea to help me I'd appreciate.

See ya all...
