


An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed. )

Added by Todor Kunovski about 13 years ago

Hi. I have just installer redmine. I configured the email notification section fine. When i sent a test email i got this error massage: "An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed. )"
I want to interconnect redmine with m local exgange server. So i configured both configuration.yml and email.yml with this lanes:

delivery_method: :smtp
port: 25
Am i dong something wrong? Anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance

Replies (4)

RE: An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed. ) - Added by André Bachmann almost 13 years ago

I stumbled upon this error a few hours ago. Luckily, I found a working configuration. First, I deleted configuration.yml (there is nothing of relevance in it). Then I restored my email.yml from a backup. It has the following content:

  delivery_method: :smtp
    address: servername
    port: 25
    #authentication: :login

  delivery_method: :smtp
    address: servername
    port: 25
    #authentication: :login

This configuration works again with our Exchange 2003.

RE: An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed. ) - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 13 years ago

Hi, I had had the same problem when upgraded to 1.2.x.

Here is my configuration for Redmine 1.2.1:

# default configuration options for all environments
  # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :smtp
      address: "" 
      port: 25
      domain: "" 

#      authentication: :login
#      user_name: "" 
#      password: "redmine" 

Note that the configuration is in default section, not in production or development sections. Also note that there is email_delivery sub-section.


RE: An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed. ) - Added by claude g about 12 years ago

I add this error and it was due to DNS not working. To verify on Windows that there is a DNS issue, check that you can run nslookup.
The real issue here with Redmine : emails not sent are not kept and send later...
