


Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue

Added by Karl Fenech almost 11 years ago

more than a technical issue I would like to know the difference between the Comments field as opposed to the notes field. I am asking this question because I noticed that the information entered in the Comments field are not logged when viewing a support ticket history, nor can information entered in Comments be searched. On the other hand, any information entered in the Notes is searchable and appended to the history of the job. This can create some issues as users would intuitively enter information in the Comments and not Notes, making life difficult for other users to look into the history of the issue.

Is there a way the comments field can be hidden so that information is only added into the Notes or are there any other workarounds ?


Replies (5)

RE: Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

Do you use a customized version of redmine? We don't ship with a field called Comments...

RE: Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue - Added by Karl Fenech almost 11 years ago

Good morning and thanks for the reply. No I am using Redmine 2.3.2.stable installed from the Vmware Virtual Machine downloadable from bitnami website. i am attaching a screenshot of an issue with the notes and comments highlighted.

RE: Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 11 years ago

This comment is for spent time field. You may want to add additional information related to the spent time entry.

RE: Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue - Added by Karl Fenech almost 11 years ago

I understand this, what i cannot understand is why this field is not searchable whilst the notes are.. is there a way the comments can also be searchable?


RE: Difference between Comments and Notes when reporting an issue - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 11 years ago

Karl Fenech wrote:

I understand this, what i cannot understand is why this field is not searchable whilst the notes are.. is there a way the comments can also be searchable?

Searching through time entry comments is simply not yet implemented. See #4138. I'll post a rough patch there in a minute...
