


Custom fields in time entries

Added by Joel SCHAAL almost 10 years ago

Hi !

I have added custom fields for time entries but I do not see them in the list of time entries of an issue.
I only see the default fields (PROJECT, DATE, USER, ACTIVITY, ISSUE, COMMENT, HOURS) but not my own (REMAINING HOURS).

Is it possible ? I have found the issue #1766 that talks about something similar, but I am not sure if it fits what I describe.

Replies (3)

RE: Custom fields in time entries - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 10 years ago

Try to click on 'Options'. You should see Available and Selected columns. Your custom field should be in Available items column.

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RE: Custom fields in time entries - Added by Joel SCHAAL almost 10 years ago

Arf, my bad, I do not know why I had not seen that before...
Thank you !
