


How copy/paste an image in a message

Added by Mickael Gautheron about 5 years ago


I'm using Redmine every day at work to declare anomalies.
It's not confortable to show the problem by uploading a screenshot from the computer (we have to save a picture and upload it on redmine)

Do you know if there is a solution about it ? Like in outlook when when we can just copy and paste a captur of screen.

Thansk you

Replies (6)

RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU about 5 years ago

In the latest Redmine versions you can :
- drag images onto the droppable zone in order to be uploaded
- drag images onto the text area in order to be uploaded and embedded

In version 4.1.0 you can copy paste your image into text area in order to be uploaded and embedded

You can see #31169 and the related issues.

RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by Mickael Gautheron about 5 years ago

Thanks you for your answer.
I was thinking that I was on the latest version but I'm in 3.4.6.
So I have to upgarde the version to have this option.

Thanks you

RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by Dominik Ras about 5 years ago

I'd recommend a adding #Redmine plug-in "Attach image from clipboard"
You can hit PrtScr button, paste into an issue on Redmine and use a quick cropping tool provided by that plug-in to include only what's needed for the case you're describing at the moment.

We've been using it without any problems for 5+ years now.

RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by dj jones almost 4 years ago

If you can't move to 4.1, the plugin Dominik mentions is good.

Or if instead you want to paste the image so it is visible in the Issue body as an image (ie not as file attachment) - there is also this:

RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by Fabio Peruzzo over 3 years ago

I have the same issue described above.
I already work with Redmine 4.1 but cannot copy/paste image from clipboard into text area. Could it be because we are using CKeditor plugin instead of standard markup language? I prefer CKeditor for its look and feel similar to word.
Do you know any solution or do you suggest I should modify CKeditor in order to copy image in Base64?


RE: How copy/paste an image in a message - Added by dj jones over 3 years ago

Hi Fabio

you don't say if you tried the plugin I mentioned above -

If that doesn't work -then I guess that means that: Yes your CK Editor usage is the root cause.

Do you have the tech skills (or know someone who does) to experiment with that plugin and reCode it to work with CKeditor?

If not; how value would it be to your company to have it work? Ask you boss that, in money numbers! And then you can find a Redmine code online, to solve the problem for you.

If you do solve it: do let everyone know in that plugin chat above, so the whole community benefits from your help. That's how Redmine progresses, we all help a little to make it awesome!
