A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 17 years ago
Before all, I would like to thank Jean-Philippe very much for the amazing work he has done here and all the people that helped him. I will not go back to Trac ;-)
Here are some remarks and requests that could to my mind improve Redmine, I am more using Redmine as a general project management tool in my company and not that much as a programming project management, and it works well !!!
- In the file tab, when you add a file, you are ask for a description. I am using that tab to store a lot of files like spreadsheet, images or word document before they are published in PDF. It would be cool to be able to see that description in the file listing.
- In the same scope, when not working in programming project, the version functionality is less important and it would be very handy to have a tag or directory functionality to manage the files. Right now we are using the repository but it is less handy because you cannot commit files and not all of my colleagues are familiar with subversion.
- Also in the document tab, there is already the category functionality, but as our base of document gets bigger it would be cool having other levels of sorting.
- I didn't find any way to create tables in the wiki, is there one ? That could be very handy.
- The permission settings for users is very complete but I would be really cool if you could disable a functionality completely for a role. On some project for instance, I have people like clients that need to be aware of what is going on in the project, so I would like them to be able to view the issues but not to be able to see he news.
I know you guys certainly have a lot of other request so I don't expect mine to be taken in consideration. At least if you have some spare time, you know what to do ;-)
I think Redmine is an amazing peace of software and can really handle any kind of project and not only programming ones. If you want any other ideas, feel free to contact me.
Replies (5)
RE: A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Carl Nygard almost 17 years ago
This | Is | A | Table |
With | Many | Cells | In |
It | It's | Not | Hard |
If you have further ideas, post them. Better yet, search the issues list and add your vote if your idea has already been presented.
RE: A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 17 years ago
Thanks for the table hint, but I can't see the source code so it is not helping much ;-). I sorted it out, here is a hint for other people with the same problem :
|This|Is|A|Table |WIth|Many|Cells|In |It|It's|Not|Hard|
This | Is | A | Table |
With | Many | Cells | In |
It | It's | Not | Hard |
Maybe it should be somewhere in the formatting help, I couldn't find it anywhere. Also, is there any colspan, header, colour or alignment possibilities ?
I will surely post any idea that passes through my mind, but I'll go through the issue list first not to make doubles.
Should I post an issue myself, or is it better to ask for it in the forum ?
RE: A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Carl Nygard almost 17 years ago
Check out the textile reference. You can colorize, span, css-ify, etc.
RE: A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 17 years ago
Thank for the links. It's perfect, though I do think these link should be in the formating help.
RE: A few comments and requests for Redmine
Added by Benjamin Baroukh almost 17 years ago
I have posted my 3 first requests in 2 and pushed up one that corresponded to the last one (#849).