


Migrating a project *from* Redmine?

Added by Rusty Phillips over 14 years ago

I noticed there was a question about merging two redmine instances, but not specifically about this.

There are tasks for importing from several other version tracking tools, but I didn't see anything for importing from another redmine instance.

Is it impossible to migrate a project from one redmine instance into another?

Replies (8)

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Marcel Waldvogel over 14 years ago

I am also eagerly forward to such a solution, as we are planning to merge several related but independent project tracker instances into one. Non-Redmine projects have been easy (more or less), but now, we are stuck with what should be the easiest thing of them all. There does not even seem to be an export feature from Redmine, does there?

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Radoslaw Palinski over 14 years ago

Good question.

We have one Redmine instance that we would like to split into two different ones.

Maybe the simpliest way is to move whole redmine to a new instance and then delete unwanted projects?

If there is a way to just copy a single project and move it that would be much appreciated.

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Marcel Waldvogel over 14 years ago

For splitting, I would recommend copying the setup and then deleting either half of the projects on either side (I do not think that there is anything easier than that).

Does nobody have an opinion on what is required to merge easily? My list is short:
  1. make sure there are no conflicting project names, user names, or group names
  2. change issue numbers, both in the database references ("easy"), but also in the text (issue text, wiki text, what else?)
  3. change the individual database object IDs

What am I missing here? Does anyone have good hints on how to do either of those (besides brute-force)?

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

You could try Erics redmine_merge_redmine plugin, be sure to make backups before trying it. If you have more direct questions, you can catch Eric on irc as edavis10.

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Marcel Waldvogel over 14 years ago

Looks great, thanks, will try it in the upcoming days. Do you happen to know whether there is a reason it is not listed in the Plugin_List (or not to add it there)?

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I think Eric doesn't consider it polished enough to put it on the plugin list, but more from a code cleanup point of view than because of lacking functionality. But as I said, you should as these questions directly to him rather than to me :-)

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

Marcel Waldvogel wrote:

Do you happen to know whether there is a reason it is not listed in the Plugin_List (or not to add it there)?

It's not yet released (meaning I haven't updated it for the latest stable versions of Redmine and is missing documentation). I developed it for a client who used it to merge two Redmine installs into one. They were on a pre-0.9 Redmine trunk.

Watch the Plugin forums here or my blog for a release announcement.

Eric Davis

RE: Migrating a project *from* Redmine? - Added by Anonymous over 7 years ago

I think that this tool might interest you :

With that tool, you can migrate individual project from Redmine 2.x / 3.2 from an instance to another with all their dependencies (issues, users, parent projects, children projects, news, documents, attachments, custom fields etc..)

It is a script made in Python3 so make sure that it is already installed.
