


Custom field: Ticket Priority

Added by Robert Schneider over 14 years ago

Where does a field occur, created in Ticket Priority?


Replies (4)

RE: Custom field: Ticket Priority - Added by Robert Schneider over 4 years ago

Still unclear, who or what is using it. Anyway, there is a hint regarding that type:

Fields for Issue priorities

Note: issue priority custom fields are not (yet) used in the Redmine core, though other plugins or themes can/may use them. No setting here has any effect on any other parts of Redmine for the time being.

RE: Custom field: Ticket Priority - Added by Mischa The Evil over 4 years ago

FWIW: I haven't seen them being used in the core nor in any plugins yet. So AFAICT the quoted note still applies.

RE: Custom field: Ticket Priority - Added by Robert Schneider over 4 years ago

Wouldn't it be reasonable to remove it to clean up the code? It's the only thing that I have seen in Redmine that is that useless.

RE: Custom field: Ticket Priority - Added by Mischa The Evil over 4 years ago


Robert Schneider wrote:

Wouldn't it be reasonable to remove it to clean up the code?

I'll elaborate a bit more on this. Activities (time tracking), Issue priorities and Document categories are all enumerations. If you take a look at the (commit) history of feature #4077, you'll see that custom fields defined on enumerations are a requirement for its implementation. As such is there nothing to clean up here. BTW: unless such custom fields are actually configured, you'll only see a reference to these fields in the selection screen that is presented when creating new custom fields (per r12849).
Additionally, extensions (ie. Redmine plugins and themes) can use these custom fields and their values even though the custom fields defined on issue priorities and document categories are otherwise not used within the current Redmine core.

I hope this clears up the situation around these custom fields a bit.
