


How to link sub project's repository to master projects?

Added by Frank Church over 14 years ago

Is there a way to link a sub repository's project to the masters?

I can add it to the same repository directory to the sub project, but it doesn't feel right?


Replies (5)

RE: How to link sub project's repository to master projects? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I'm not sure what your problem is, you can have subprojects, if that is the question.

RE: How to link sub project's repository to master projects? - Added by Frank Church over 14 years ago

When I select the sub project, it does not have a repository tab, but offers the page to add the repository to the project.

I thought it would inherit the main project's tab automatically. Some of the issues refer to the sub project, rather than the master project, and I wonder whether such issues will be displayed under both the sub project and the master.

RE: How to link sub project's repository to master projects? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

No, subprojects are full-blown projects on their own, i.e. subprojects don't inherit the repository from the parent. Subprojects give you the ability to share versions in the project tree, and you will view issue from the whole project's subtree in the issue list.

RE: How to link sub project's repository to master projects? - Added by Sándor Dombora over 11 years ago

I have the same problem. When we build a big system, there are modules, which we consider different project, but the codebase usually uses the same repository. So we would use the same repository connection - as there are a lot of changes.
The repository inheritance is a very useful option. I'd be glad if it would be implemented ... I would like to use as the version.

RE: How to link sub project's repository to master projects? - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

Following configuration of project's SVN is possibe:

    admin    - administrative documents
    sw       - software
    hw       - hardware
    mech     - mechanics
    ud       - user documentation

project is root project. admin, sw, etc are folders and trunk/branches/tags are under them. In Redmine, a project with project id is the parent project and sw, hw mech, ud are subprojects under it. Then http://path/to/project is assigned to project and http://path/to/project/sw is assigned to sw subproject; http://path/to/project/hw is assigned to hw subproject and so on. This is some workaround of missing inheritance but portions of the repository are doubled.
