


Missing Status Options

Added by Stephen Womack almost 15 years ago

I am new to Redmine, but i am always thankful for the help everyone provides to me. My company really loves redmine and seems to be enjoying its many benefits.

I had a user come to me today and inform me that they could not change the status message of an issue. After checking the application, I found that no matter what tracker is selected the user can only choose "NEW" as the status.

I have tried to play with the settings, but none seem to change the status drop down menu to anything but "New". I have googled this issue and i have not found any help there. I know it is something i am doing wrong, but i am lost on what i am doing wrong. Please give me some guidance.

Adminstrator Settings:
Tracker -> 2 items listed -> Requirements & Incident
Issue Statuses -> 11 items -> New (default value), Requirement analysis, Submit to vendor, Awaiting SOW, Pending Approval of SOW, approved, In development, Vendor UAT, UAT, Rejected, and Deployed.

Please see the attached screenshots.

Replies (4)

RE: Missing Status Options - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

The workflows (i.e. "allowed status transitions") are defined on a per-role basis. See what role your user has in this project and have a look at the corresponding workflow.

RE: Missing Status Options - Added by Stephen Womack almost 15 years ago

I am logged in as administrator when i try to change the status. I also noticed that when i go to create a new issue the drop down box only gives me the "New" option and nothing else.

RE: Missing Status Options - Added by Stephen Womack almost 15 years ago

okay i understand now. i made myself a user on the project and everything started working. Thanks for the info Felix.

RE: Missing Status Options - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Yes, I didn't know you tried this as administrator. Administrators can do pretty much everything, except meddle with the status, i.e. in projects in which they are not a member, they basically get the workflow of (I suppose) either non-member or anonymous.
