


How to analyse issues I worked on

Added by Stefan Kühn almost 14 years ago


I need to analyse all issues i have been working on. At the moment redmine only list all assigned or closed issues but not the ones I have been mainly working on. I need to see all issues which were initially assigned to me (closed or resolved issues are assigned to the author again).

I tried to search the forum but there were no answers to that topic.

Thanks for your help in adavance.

Regards Stefan

Replies (2)

RE: How to analyse issues I worked on - Added by Marco Gutsche almost 14 years ago

Hi Stefan,

you can add another filter in the issue view (issues -> add filter (at the top right), for example:
assigned -> to me
status -> is -> new

so you have only the new issues which are assigned to you?
Does this help?

RE: How to analyse issues I worked on - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Stefan, IIRC there's no way to query the history of issues, only their current status, sorry.
