


Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages

Added by Julien P almost 14 years ago

Hi every body,

First, sorry for my bad english, i'm french....

I'v just install a new server with unbuntu, and install all necesseary for redmine.

I lauchn my ruby server with this command :
ruby script/server webrick -e production

It seems to work well.

I can acces redmine with http://IP:3000, wich works.
i can login with admin/admin.

Then, when i try to create a new project, i've got a 500 error, and server error :
ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of args (2 for 0)) on line #5 of app/views/projects/_form.rhtml

I've got the same error with sevral page, like "myaccount", or Administration/users , ect...

Any idea to solve this ?

Thank's a lot.

Replies (14)

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Make sure you have the correct version of rails installed, redmine requires rails 2.3.5.

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Julien P almost 14 years ago

Thank's for your answer.

To be sure that i have de write version, i have done a :
gem install rails -v=2.3.5

I still have de same problem.
(i Have quit/relauch ruby script/server webrick -e production)

Any other idea ?

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Which ruby version, and which version of the i18n do you have installed?

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Julien P almost 14 years ago

the ruby -v give me this :

ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patch level 299) [i686-linux]

What is i18n ?

i have re-install rack with :
gem insatll rack -v=1.0.1

Stil the same problem

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Julien P almost 14 years ago

Ok, i've "google" for i18n (internationalisation)

How can i know wich langage is installed ?

On linux (ubuntu 10.10 I have configure it with French. Can this help ?

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

i18n is internalization, but it's handled by each program separately. Anyway, execute gem list and look for the i18n gem, and especially what version it has.

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Ameya Gargesh almost 14 years ago

I encountered a similar problem today. The reason seems to be that I installed rails 3.0.1 first and then removed only the packages pertaining to rails directly i.e. actionpack, actionmailer etc. while removing it. I then installed rails 2.3.5 and encountered the problem that is mentioned here. I resolved this by cleaning out all the packages installed by gem when installing rails 3.0.1. A list of the ones I removed is provided below. Maybe only one of them caused the issue, all I know is that after removing all the packages and then installing rails 2.3.5, it started working properly.

abstract (1.0.0)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (1.0.3)
cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
daemons (1.1.0)
erubis (2.6.6)
fastthread (1.0.7)
ffi (0.6.3)
flexmock (0.6.2)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
i18n (0.4.2)
mime-types (1.16)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack-mount (0.6.13)
rack-test (0.5.6)
thor (0.14.3)
treetop (1.4.8)
tzinfo (0.3.23)

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Pavel P almost 14 years ago

I have the same problem with 1.0-stable redmine. I have two versions of rails on my server (3.0.1, 2.3.5).
It's important to have both versions (in the future they may become more).
Apache/2.2.14 + Passenger/3.0.0 (i18n (0.4.2))

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Holger Just almost 14 years ago

Redmine currently only support i18n <= 0.4.1 (see #6784). Remove your i18n gem and everything should be fine again.

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Pavel P almost 14 years ago

There are both versions of i18n(0.4.1 and 0.4.2) on server.
If i need to have both versions, what can i do?

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Julien P almost 14 years ago


Thanks for all your help.

I've remove all package that mention Ameya Gargesh.
The problem was still there.

Then I've remove i18n v 0.4.2 and install 0.4.1, and now it works find.

This is not write on the french installation, and should be add.

Thank's again.

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Holger Just almost 14 years ago

Pavel: As an interim solution, you can reverse this patch: In my tests, this works again with i18n 0.4.2 (but not with i18n < 0.4.2 and > 0.3.7)

An alternative would be to use rvm and its gemsets feature.

RE: Installation of redmine 1.0.2 - error 500 on sevral pages - Added by Pavel P almost 14 years ago

Looks more useful. I will try. Thanks for support.
