


Stages - what to do next?

Added by Adam Klinkosz almost 14 years ago

As PM I would like to specify the stages of issues for my crew, a sequence of resolving issues if you will. I can not do it with priorities and it have to be something, which could be grouped by.

Any ideas?

Replies (5)

RE: Stages - what to do next? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Use the statuses, they're there exactly for that.

RE: Stages - what to do next? - Added by Adam Klinkosz almost 14 years ago

I don't think they are there for the sequence. I meant to set what to do after what...

RE: Stages - what to do next? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Yes they are, you can edit what statuses a certain tracker can have and what role can apply what changes to the status, see RedmineIssueTrackingSetup. You could for example set up something like that for bugs: a bug can be set from "new" do "verified" or "rejected" by a bug triager, a developer can set it from "verified" to "in progress" or "resolved", a tester can set it from "resolved" to "tested", and the manager can set it from "tested" to "committed" or "closed".

If you don't mean something like that, you'll probably need a custom field for it.

RE: Stages - what to do next? - Added by Adam Klinkosz almost 14 years ago

You still think about one issue. For example:
Issues for making a tea:
  • boil some water
  • take a cup
  • pour some tea grounds
  • pour hot water into a cup
  • pour some sugar

Above issues can be done only in specific order. You can not pour hot water into a cup before boiling it.

The custom field will do if it could be grouped by because we have many sets of tasks which can be done simultaneously but those sets have to be done in specific order. For example: Issues in "administration" have to be done before issues in "tools", and "tools" have to be done before "export" and so on...

RE: Stages - what to do next? - Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago

For that you COULD use the "related issues" functionality.

Though, I would also like to be able to just order issues in sequences. Both as a PM (atleast suggest an order to go by for the developer) and as a developer, ordering my own issues as I see fit.

Eric Davis' "stuff to do" plugin ALMOST fits the bill. The main issue is that PM's can't suggest issues to do next for the developers (only admins can). You might also want to have a look at his Kanban plugin.
