Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description?
Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago
I am able to attach a graphic file, but would like to be able to insert a small graphic inline with the text. Is this possible?
The last icon in the icon row that includes icons for Bold, Italics, etc, says "Image" if I hover over it. If I click on it, it inserts a pair of exclamation marks, like this:
I tried copying the image to the clipboard, then positioning the cursor between the exclamation points and pasting from the clipboard (Ctrl-V), without success.
Replies (6)
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago
Attach the image to the issue and put the filename of the image (as reported by Redmine) between the two exclamation marks.
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago
Thank you very much. That works like a charm. I would never had figured that out.
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago
PS: Is there any way to avoid having to do this in two steps?
- Attach the file to get the Redmine-generated filename.
- Enter the text that refers to the image with the filename between the !'s?
I think I can guess what the filename will be. It appears to be the actual filename with all spaces replaced by underscores.
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago
You don't have to guess anything. Just put the real file name between the two exclamation marks. You may refer and attach the file in a single step.
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago
P.S. Also, you may have may attach same file several times (in different posts, issues etc) with same file name, probably with different content. Redmine will distinguish them based on posting / issue they are attached.
RE: Any way to insert a graphic (jpeg) in the issue description? - Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago
Perhaps I don't understand what you mean, but putting the _ real_ filename inside the !! doesn't work if it has spaces. I think this is what Felix meant when he said to use the name "(as reported by Redmine)". Redmine does a translate replacing spaces and other non-alpha chgaracters with underscores. That's why I asked if it must be two steps. One to get the file attached and capture the Redmine translated name and then one to insert the image with the new name.
The name of my file has spaces: "20110531 Sort indicators.jpg". I tried inserting that name between the !!. It didn't work. I then attached the file and Redmine chanhged the name to "20110531_Sort_indicators.jpg". Inserting that name between the !! works.