


support different Redmine versions on the same server

Added by Alex Last almost 13 years ago

I need to have several Redmine versions (like 1.1.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, trunk_dev, ...) running for Redmine Java API testing.
Unfortunately, they all require different ruby/rails/whatnot versions. Can all this zoo coexist on 1 server or I have to create a virtual machine for every Redmine version?

In other words, can ruby/rails be installed into a specific folder for a particular Redmine installation so it would not interfere with the other ones?

Replies (5)

RE: support different Redmine versions on the same server - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Alexey Skor wrote:

In other words, can ruby/rails be installed into a specific folder for a particular Redmine installation so it would not interfere with the other ones?

This can logically be done for Rails only. Vendor the required Rails version (as done with packaged Redmine releases, see RedmineInstall), so it is located in the /vendor directory.

RE: support different Redmine versions on the same server - Added by Jan from Planio almost 13 years ago

Maybe have a look at RVM -let's you run and switch between different rubies and gemsets.

RE: support different Redmine versions on the same server - Added by Alex Last almost 13 years ago

can you please share a standard command to install those "gems" into redmine/vendor folder?
I tried running

gem install <gem_name> --install-dir=vendor/gems

in redmine root folder - that didn't work as far as I can tell.

RE: support different Redmine versions on the same server - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Alexey Skor wrote:

can you please share a standard command to install those "gems" into redmine/vendor folder?

Those "gems" == gems which composes the Ruby on Rails Web-framework. You can vendor/freeze Rails by executing the following rake-task in the root of your Redmine directory:

rake rails:freeze:gems

This will copy the Rails files to the vendor/rails directory of Redmine. When the Rails web-framework runs, Redmine will first check for the presence of this directory. If it exists, Rails will load the Rails components from the directory instead of using the main server copy of Rails.

Some references:

RE: support different Redmine versions on the same server - Added by Alex Last almost 13 years ago

Thanks, Mischa! I'll try this.

And what's the command to install new gems into redmine/vendor folder?

I guess I'll need to delete the latest "i18n" from redmine/vendor/gems and then install the older version Redmine 1.2.2 requires - so I want them to go to /redmine/vendor/gems and not some "shared" global folder.
