


How to synchronize Redmine with another system?

Added by Sergey Kirsten about 12 years ago

I have the CRM (software by our company), and need synchronize it with Redmine.

If I create/edit issues or do other actions in my CRM, I can use Redmine REST API to automatically do the same actions in Redmine.

But what about another direction? I create/edit issues, edit projects, versions etc. in Redmine, and i want to do same actions in CRM? So I don't know how to catch this events and run my code to do something in CRM.

Replies (7)

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by Ivan Cenov about 12 years ago

Redmine sends notifications via e-mail to the involved users. If you create a super user who is involved in everything in Redmine -- this user will receive the e-mails and then may relay them to your CRM.

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by Sergey Kirsten about 12 years ago

Thank you for quick answer. Is there a better option? Or I need to often check my email and make requests to my CRM?

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by Ivan Cenov about 12 years ago

You may create a relay application that will receive the emails from Redmine and then make requests to your CRM. Just an idea...

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

You can write a plugin that overrides all the built in parts that you want to "capture" then go update your CRM via whatever API it has (it... should have one... most do now).

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by Sergey Kirsten about 12 years ago

Thank you for answers, i will try

RE: How to synchronize Redmine with another system? - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Checkout Redminecrm plugin and helpdesk plugin, also there is sync-redminecrm-with-iphoneandroidoutlook

That is probably best if he can make Redmine his CRM.

But if he wants to sync with SugarCRM or something similar that is already in place, I think he's going to have a few headaches. :(
