


How to remove old versions of wiki pages

Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

Is it possible to discard the old (obsolete) versions of the wiki pages. I already have pages with 22 revisions. The oldest are obviously redundant and I would like to get rid of them.

Replies (2)

RE: How to remove old versions of wiki pages - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 12 years ago

Ivan Cenov wrote:

Is it possible to discard the old (obsolete) versions of the wiki pages.

As far as I know there doesn't exist such a feature yet. A quick search through Redmine's issue base revealed the following related issues:

I already have pages with 22 revisions. The oldest are obviously redundant and I would like to get rid of them.

E.g. HowTos over here at is currently at version 129. And there are probably more pages in production which have high version numbers too.
But more important IMHO: does it actually matter? Isn't it/shouldn't it be a property of a wiki to have a fully reversible history of each iteration of the wiki-pages?!

RE: How to remove old versions of wiki pages - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

But more important IMHO: does it actually matter? Isn't it/shouldn't it be a property of a wiki to have a fully reversible history of each iteration of the wiki-pages?!

Yes and No. It depends on circumstances. Today par example, I made changes to one wiki page then saved the page. After that I found a typo and corrected it this way I created new revision. I think the previous revision with the typo in it is redundant. In contrary, par example, something changes in an application / algorithm its wiki page should be changed to reflect the new version. It is clear in this situation that old revision should not be deleted because it is related to the old version.
