


export from 1.3 and import to 2.3?

Added by Jérôme Jérôme over 11 years ago

do someone have a solution, plugin to export the issue from m'y PROJECTS under redmine 1.3 ans import it into a redmine 2.3?

is there a plugin ?
thanks a lot for tour answers

Replies (8)

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

I'm afraid there is no such plugin or core functionality.

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by Jérôme Jérôme over 11 years ago

thanks for your answer, i hope one Day it Will exists :)

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

There is plugin you can import from cvs file. Exporting from cvs file is standard feature of redmine. So its possible.

See forks of my plugin .

Would be great if you can give feedback which forks works, which not, and differences.

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by jerome l over 11 years ago

Hi Terrence,

I have done a second account because lost password of the first :)

I have installed your plugin on my redmine 2.3 running with the following

Redmine version 2.3.1.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
redmine_contacts 3.2.3-light
redmine_importer 1.0
support_helpdesk 1.0.2

After running the rake command, the previous project that I have done (luckily there were no data on this database) are unreachable. I mean I have a Page not found error

The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.

I guess it's not compatible with Redmine 2.3?

How can I uninstall the plugin ? or maybe you can help me correct it ?

Thanks for your answer again.

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

I never said you shall use my repo, thats why i posted the network link and asked you to give feedback whcih fork is redmine 2.3 compatible. However the plugon doesn't change existing data as fai as i know. You only have to remove the plugin from the folder and the problem shall be gone.
Btw. backups before migration is duty, especially on production.

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by jerome l over 11 years ago

ok i m not very familar yet with fork and other software developper concept :)

can you expain it a litle and I will give you my feedback.

and of course I agree with you on backup, will try to think to it next time!

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by jerome l over 11 years ago

hi Terrence
what do you mean by "which fork is compatible with redmine 2.3"?
have a nice day,

RE: export from 1.3 and import to 2.3? - Added by André Bachmann over 11 years ago

I think he wants you to try the listed versions from other people (see his link) to see for yourself which of these versions are compatible with Redmine 2.3.
