Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Robert Lankford about 16 years ago
I know next to nothing about Redmine. It looks very promising, though.
I'm wondering how issues can be used for planning purposes. It appears to me that you can create your own issue categories (trackers) with work flows. You can then create issues in these various categories and associate them with particular projects. You can then bring up a Gantt chart (or a calendar view) to quickly understand the time lines of the various issues. So far so good. But how do you associate one issue to another? For instance, work on bug #4 can't proceed until work on bug #2 is finished. I would like the start-end dates for bug #4 to reflect this automatically when work on bug #2 is delayed. Is this possible?
Redmine may not be suited for project planning. The issues, and their charts, may only be appropriate for reporting instead. If so, is there a plug-in, perhaps, that more strongly associates issues together?
I suppose it's possible to do planning by manually updating dates whenever something changes, but that seems like too much work to do. Is there any way to help streamline this problem?
Thanks in advance guys/gals!
Replies (5)
RE: Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Brad Rushworth about 16 years ago
Yes, this seems to be a common problem with Redmine. I'm facing it right now. How do you use Redmine for planning purposes?
I've collected the following references for people interesting in improving the Gantt chart, subtasks and "related issues".
Related issues & subtasks: Gantt charts:-
- #549
- #2024
Any others?
RE: Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Brad Rushworth about 16 years ago
RE: Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Brad Rushworth about 16 years ago
Seems like a very popular request.
RE: Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Jan Ivar Beddari about 16 years ago
Yes, indeed! This is my number one gripe with Redmine at the moment, a lot more so than a REST-api or .. other "fluff" that gets requested ;-)
I still have to use other tools for my planning .. which I hope some day will be replaced by Redmine. It's close, but not there yet.
RE: Associating Issues With Each Other
Added by Will Silva almost 16 years ago
Great idea here...
I'm only adding "a vote" to this one. :)