


File permissons and ownership on redmine directory in /usr/share/redmine-XXX

Added by A Fora about 4 years ago

Hi guys, a very quick question in regards to permissions and ownership of redmine files.

One of the scripts that was run incorrectly reset permissions so all files in /usr/share/redmine-XXX look like this now:

- ownership: my local user, not root
- permissions: 777

This is obviously far from ideal, and I was wondering if there are any guidelines on secure file attributes to gap this currently gaping hole.

Many thanks!

Replies (2)

RE: File permissons and ownership on redmine directory in /usr/share/redmine-XXX - Added by Davide Giacometti about 4 years ago


I would say:
  • Files 644
  • Directories 755
  • Owner user and group that is running the web server


RE: File permissons and ownership on redmine directory in /usr/share/redmine-XXX - Added by A Fora about 4 years ago

Thanks Davide.

How do you find the owner/group that runs the webserver (I have an apache2/nginx pair)? It is not the same as the currently logged in physical user account?

Davide Giacometti wrote:

I would say:

  • Owner user and group that is running the web server