


[CLOSED] migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support

Added by Gregor Burck 9 months ago


I manage to migrate an old 2.2.3 redmine enviroment to a newer 5.0.4 on a debian12 OS.

The current problem ist, I see no thumbnail of the attached pdf files.

In the log file I doesn't see, that anything missing.
Do I need an plugin, or is there something to install addintionaly?

Thank you for help


Replies (8)

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Mischa The Evil 9 months ago

You need to make sure that ImageMagick and specifically Ghostscript are available (per RedmineInstall).

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Gregor Burck 9 months ago


imagemagick and ghostscript are allready installed.
Have I to install rmagick?

I've to install ruby-dev, make and insert gem rmagick to the Gemfile to install rmagick.

But the pdf won't shown

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Mischa The Evil 9 months ago

Gregor Burck wrote in RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support:

imagemagick and ghostscript are allready installed.

Make sure that you've all green check marks in the "Administration information" page ("Administration" > "Information").

Have I to install rmagick?

No, RMagick was only needed for Redmine prior to 4.1.0 (as documented in RedmineInstall#RMagick).

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Gregor Burck 9 months ago

I found the Solution:

First, I've to check the file permissions, that was not right.

Then I found in the log something about the convert command doesn't work.

After a little bit additional research I found the hint to allow pdf manipulation in the policie:


<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />

No it seem to work.

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Gregor Burck 9 months ago

I got the thumbnail for pdf, but no preview.

Is there an additional plugin neccessary?

Which plugin should I use?
I found some plugings, but they seem to be for an older redmine version.

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Holger Just 9 months ago

Redmine includes functionality to preview PDF files. No further plugins are necessary for that.

Redmine leverages the built-in PDF viewer in your browser to show the PDF file. If the PDF file is not rendered, the PDF reader may be blocked in your browser. It may be worthwhile to disable any ad-blockers or virus scanners in your Browser (or to try a different Browser), at least to further investigate the cause of this.

RE: [CLOSED] migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Gregor Burck 9 months ago

I managed to install the Plugin redmine_more_previews no.

I was hanging on an stupid failure.

I think for now I'm complete happy!

Thank You for Reply!

RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support - Added by Holger Just 9 months ago

Holger Just wrote in RE: migration from 2.2.3 to 5.0.4 on debian12, pdf support:

Redmine includes functionality to preview PDF files. No further plugins are necessary for that.

Hah, turns out this is actually not the case for vanilla Redmine :) I assumed this was the case since we have this in Planio for ages. Still for reference, the open issue for that feature in Redmine is #22483.
