Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Victor Dulepov almost 15 years ago
Controls presence of boxes on Home, Project Overview and My Page. Can use additional boxes provided by Basic Polls and Last Forum Messages plugins.
For details and the plugin itself see PluginBlocksLayout
Replies (14)
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Nikita Pustovoytov almost 15 years ago
After modifying a project overview in settings I get redirected back to overview page but it's empty. This settings doesn't store. I somehow managed to save them for one project and it still shows overview correctly but I can't reproduce it.
I have a redmine 0.9.4 installed on, and site root folder is /var/www/ Apache logs accesses to /var/www/ with referer, and that file obviously doesn't exist because plugin assets are in RAILS_ROOT/redmine/public/plugin_assets, if locally, or, if URL-qualified.
I think, somewhere there is an error in mixing local path with url-ones.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by frank li almost 15 years ago
Nikita Pustovoytov wrote:
After modifying a project overview in settings I get redirected back to overview page but it's empty. This settings doesn't store. I somehow managed to save them for one project and it still shows overview correctly but I can't reproduce it.
I have a redmine 0.9.4 installed on, and site root folder is /var/www/ Apache logs accesses to /var/www/ with referer, and that file obviously doesn't exist because plugin assets are in RAILS_ROOT/redmine/public/plugin_assets, if locally, or, if URL-qualified.
I think, somewhere there is an error in mixing local path with url-ones.
I have the same issue here. The redmine I am using is Redmine 0.9.4.devel.3768 (MySQL).
I have one root project, along with several subprojects.
For the root project the change I made in the project overview setting was saved, but for subprojects what I have changed
in the overview setting page didn't apply. If I clicked the overview setting page after I made some changes, everything is
still unchecked.
Any solutions? thanks a lot!
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
Same problem here!
Btw. in which file and folder do i have to put transaltions for "edit_overview_page"?
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
Created a ticket...
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Victor Dulepov about 14 years ago
We've posted an update of this plugin to its wiki page . Should fix the issue with subprojects, and several other issues with storing pages' settings. Please check.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Terence Mill about 14 years ago
Can migrate to new version. Created a ticket Issue #7669, because unsure if this isn't a redmine bug
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Victor Dulepov about 14 years ago
Terence Mill wrote:
Victor, can please help out?
We have a püroblem with migrating a plugin called "redmine-blocks".
We removed old folder in /redmine/vendor/plugins and created new one.
Then we called "rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production" in /redmine folder a no database migration took place.
Hm, really not sure what's the reason of your problem. I don't consider insufficient DB permissions.
From your message I understand that you "removed old folder in /redmine/vendor/plugins and created new one"
- is it right? Potentially you may have left the old version of the db tables, and the new plugins; however this does not explain the Table 'redmine.overview_blocks' doesn't exist
The correct "complete plugin removal" sequence would be:
rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=%plugin_name% VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV="production" ruby script/plugin remove %plugin_name%
And then you add the new plugin and do a rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
, maybe even just for one plugin.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Terence Mill about 14 years ago
rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=redmine_blocks VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV="production"
(in /usr/local/lib/redmine-git) Migrating redmine_blocks to version 0 ... == CreateTables: reverting =================================================== -- drop_table(:overview_blocks) rake aborted! An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled: Mysql::Error: Unknown table 'overview_blocks': DROP TABLE `overview_blocks` (See full trace by running task with --trace)
ruby script/plugin remove redmine_block
Plugin doesn't exist: /usr/local/lib/redmine-git/vendor/plugins/redmine_block
rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
(in /usr/local/lib/redmine-git)
Migrating engines...
Migrating acts_as_activity_provider...
Migrating acts_as_attachable...
Migrating acts_as_customizable...
Migrating acts_as_event...
Migrating acts_as_list...
Migrating acts_as_searchable...
Migrating acts_as_tree...
Migrating acts_as_versioned...
Migrating acts_as_watchable...
Migrating awesome_nested_set...
Migrating classic_pagination...
Migrating gravatar...
Migrating open_id_authentication...
Migrating prepend_engine_views...
Migrating projects_tree_view...
Migrating redmine-graphs-plugin...
Migrating redmine-system-notification-plugin...
Migrating redmine_bbb...
Migrating redmine_blocks...
I checked twice direct on my redmine mysal databse:
In my db there is no table "overview_blocks" and also no table "home_blocks" existing.
Is there any metadata in the db which is checked if a plugin "version" meant already to be installed?
Maybe i just can raise the version number in init.rb to 0.0.3 to make the migration script execute?
I am waiting so long for this plugins to be fixed, and now i can't get i run grmpf!
Would be great if you further help me out.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Fabio Leitao almost 14 years ago
I've just installed this Blocks Layout plugin to work with the Last Messages, and the plugin it self works just fine (congratulations, brillant and elegant), but it broke the blocks disposition everywehre...
On Redmine homepage, I used to have the Welcome message on the left, and the lastest News and Projects on the right... They all go to the left now, like a pile, and half the window is plain white (blank)
On MyPage it has reseted the blocks setting of every non-admin user (easy to reconfig adding the blocks again and moving them around)
On ProjectOverview, again, the blocks are piled on the left (only the forum last messages are in the right, alone)
On the homepage and overview I cannot move the blocks around with the mouse (of course).
Is there an easy fix for that? Must I hardcode something on my Redmine? Must I open a ticket for that?
I am using Redmine 1.1.2.devel.5317 (MySQL), Blocks Layout Plugin 0.0.2, and Redmine last forum messages plugin 0.0.2
Thanks for everything
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Laurent CORROCHANO almost 14 years ago
just like the last message plugin, i've translated the few messages for this plugin in French.
If anyone needs it.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Victor Dulepov almost 14 years ago
Fabio Leitao wrote:
On Redmine homepage, I used to have the Welcome message on the left, and the lastest News and Projects on the right... They all go to the left now, like a pile, and half the window is plain white (blank)
On ProjectOverview, again, the blocks are piled on the left (only the forum last messages are in the right, alone)
Is there an easy fix for that? Must I hardcode something on my Redmine? Must I open a ticket for that?
I think I should quote my answer to Fabio here, just in case anyone else needs that, so:
the placement of the boxes on the views was matching our immediate needs, so it was made fixed, with no control of ordering/placement of blocks from UI or elsewhere. I agree that's a fair place for enhancement.
But currently we're somewhat short on resources, so it would be unfair of me to promise any updates to these plugins soon.
Right now you may try changing the code displaying the blocks:
- go to your redmine_home/vendors/plugins/redmine_blocks/lib;
- pick the appropriate file for the block needing change (so for Projects and News blocks you'd select respectively projects_show_hooks.rb and news_show_hooks.rb);
- in that file, change the command displaying the block on Project Overview or on Welcome Page to match your needs. Possible pairs are view_projects_show_right / view_projects_show_left and view_welcome_index_right / view_welcome_index_right, respectively.
- (don't forget to restart apache/mongrel/whatever you use, to make it pick the changes made).
As far as I know, there's no easy way to change the order of blocks in columns.
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Terence Mill over 12 years ago
- Forked this plugin on github and made i 1.4 compatible.
- Fixed two small bugs
- added full localization for germn and english
RE: Blocks Layout plugin
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 12 years ago
Thanks for making this 1.4 compatible!