


question_plugin -

Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

Hi bishma ,

tx for ur plugin upload on

Can u explain from which fork and what revision you branched away?

Is there a online repository,issue tracker for this codce already?
Would be great you open a github repo.

I found cross plugin issues with plugin Q&A Plugin . The problem seems caused by same controler names/ urls which makes overide views in mapping.
The other plugin is somehow older on the market and it would be great if you can rename the model,controller,views entities to "issuequestions" or stgh similar so both can work at the same time.
In fact the question is for issues only, so it would match also from my undertsanding.

Tx for your contributions.

Replies (2)

RE: question_plugin - - Added by Bishma Stornelli Ortega over 11 years ago

Hi Terence Mill,

I've been a little busy to open the github repo and to fix compatibility with Q&A Plugin but I'll be working on it ASAP.

Thanks for this thread.

RE: question_plugin - - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

Is there an update because it's unsusable togehter with Q&A Plugin.

Btw. there is already an recognizing in redmine_issue_detailed_tabs_time which is very vaulable. Try to stay compatible and tested in any case.
