


redmine_latex_mathjax for Redmine 6.0

Added by Ivan Cenov 8 days ago


I tried to make redmine_latex_mathjax compatible with Redmine 6.0. The difference between Redmine 6.0 and prior Redmine versions is where plugins assets are stored:
  • Redmine < 6.0: /public/plugin_assets/redmine_latex_mathjax
  • Redmine >= 6.0: /public/assets/plugin_assets/redmine_latex_mathjax

I edited init.rb 'latex_mathjax_url' accordingly with Redmine version. However, I did not manage to make plugin assets assets\mathjax in above folder for Redmine 6.0. I am nut fluent with writing RoR applications.

The original plugin is at

My modification is at

Replies (1)

RE: redmine_latex_mathjax for Redmine 6.0 - Added by Ivan Cenov 7 days ago

After I copied assets manually to /public/assets/plugin_assets/redmine_latex_mathjax, the plugin began to work.

How are the plugin assets copied - do they have code for this or some internal procedure in Redmine does this action?
