Defect #10312
Can not attach empty files.
Added by fangzheng (方正) almost 13 years ago.
Updated over 9 years ago.
- Click "New issue" to create an issue.
- Attach an empty file(0 bytes) and type some words in the description box.
- Click Create Button.
Actual Result:
The issue is created without attachments.
Redmine demo site, vereion 1.3.1.devel.8860
Well, I'm not sure if this is expected. Just put it here, just in case.
Empty attachment is considered as invalid file in some other bug tracking system.
Maybe redmine has a similar thought?
Affects current versions also (2.4)
While an empty file is not attached, it is still being databased.
Started POST "/uploads.js?attachment_id=1&filename=My_Empty_File.txt" for at Mon Jan 06 14:47:36 +0000 2014
Processing by AttachmentsController#upload as JS
Parameters: {"attachment_id"=>"1", "filename"=>"My_Empty_File.txt"}
Current user: michael (id=3)
Rendered attachments/upload.js.erb (0.4ms)
Completed 200 OK in 62.4ms (Views: 1.2ms | ActiveRecord: 57.4ms)
Started POST "/documents/3/add_attachment" for at Mon Jan 06 14:48:33 +0000 2014
Processing by DocumentsController#add_attachment as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"3", "authenticity_token"=>"aTwertwERTW34tT+trwetW41tqwtWQER23=", "attachments"=>{"1"=>{"filename"=>"My_Empty_File.txt", "description"=>"Describing empty file", "token"=>"64."}}, "utf8"=>"?", "commit"=>"Add"}
Current user: michael (id=3)
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 10.0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
Started GET "/documents/3" for at Mon Jan 06 14:48:33 +0000 2014
Processing by DocumentsController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"3"}
Current user: michael (id=3)
Rendered attachments/_links.html.erb (6.6ms)
Rendered attachments/_form.html.erb (1.8ms)
Rendered documents/show.html.erb within layouts/base (14.5ms)
Completed 200 OK in 43.2ms (Views: 32.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms)
Item in table:
- id: 61
- container_id: ""
- container_type: ""
- filename: My_Empty_File.txt
- disk_filename: ""
- filesize: 0
- content_type: ""
- digest: ""
- downloads: 0
- author_id: 3
- created_on: 2014-01-06 13:59:26
- description: "" (Empty even if added a description)
- disk_directory: ""
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Closing as duplicate of #5969.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
- Is duplicate of Defect #5969: Attachments with size zero are ignored added
Also available in: Atom