



Feature #1125


Template projects - Or copy as new feature

Added by Anders Tillebeck almost 17 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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In my compnay we offen have the exact same projects again and again and again...

It would be nice to have a "template project" with tasks assigned including all time estimates etc. When getting a new customer I can then look at the templates and pick the one that suit the new customer best and "kick-start" the new project that way.

I will rate it as a low priority but very nice-to-have feature.

BR. Anders

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #886: Copy A ProjectClosedEric Davis2008-03-18

Related to Redmine - Feature #309: Copy project template.Closed

Related to Redmine - Feature #1556: Copy users to new projectsClosedEric Davis2008-07-01

Related to Redmine - Defect #3386: When a project is copied the sub-project setting is ignoredClosedEric Davis2009-05-18

Related to Redmine - Feature #3367: Copy versions/custom fields/wiki when copying a projectClosedEric Davis2009-05-15

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #531: Project templatesClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Anders Tillebeck almost 17 years ago


A collegue of mine just suggested that the template system could be something like a project with all thinkable project tasks. Then the administrator can place checkmarks in front of each task prior to create the new project. When creating the new project each of the marked tasks will be created for this new project. There will still be quite a bit of editing of tasks, deadlines etc. afterwards but it would be a great help to remember all small subtasks from the latest projects.

Actions #2

Updated by Tommy Jensen almost 17 years ago

+1 on This one :)

Actions #3

Updated by Antti Perkiömäki almost 17 years ago

Thumbs up for this one :) we have similar issue.

Actions #4

Updated by Caroline Lloyd almost 17 years ago

Yes same here - this would be a big timesaver!

Actions #5

Updated by Yuki Shida almost 17 years ago

I also want this function!

Actions #6

Updated by Nils Kluge almost 17 years ago

That's a good one, we need that, too!

Another good feature would be a mantis like copy of project members, categories etc.
Or a function to take over the settings of another project ...

Actions #7

Updated by Pim Snel over 16 years ago

This would be very very usefull. If project templates would exist, redmine could be used to model and organize company processes.

Actions #8

Updated by Pim Snel over 16 years ago

Ticket # #531 askes the same.

Actions #9

Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago


Cloning a project to create a new one should not be cumbersome to implement for a ruby guru ;o)

Actions #10

Updated by Eric Davis about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 7
  • Assignee set to Eric Davis

Alexandre Garino wrote:

Cloning a project to create a new one should not be cumbersome to implement for a ruby guru ;o)

You're right, it wasn't too difficult ;). I'm finishing up something like this right now that will copy an existing project to a new project keeping:

  • Project Settings (Except name and identifier)
  • Custom Fields
  • Members
  • Issues
    • Assignments
    • Time estimates
    • Priorities
    • Statues

It also includes a plugin hook to let plugins add their own information to the copy method (e.g. Deliverable items in the Budget plugin)

Actions #11

Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Such task is time consuming when done manually. Thank your Eric!

Actions #12

Updated by Henrique Mattos about 16 years ago

Eric, if I can help somehow, I can do my best effort.

Don't even need to say how helpful it will be!

Actions #13

Updated by Stewart MacArthur about 16 years ago

This would be a great feature as it is about the only thing holding us back from switching from dotProject.

Actions #14

Updated by John Moore almost 16 years ago

Wow - Would love to see this happen. We have three types of projects that we do over and over that all have the same basic steps. - thanks!

Actions #15

Updated by Mykhaylo Sorochan almost 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

I'm finishing up something like this right now that will copy an existing project to a new project keeping:

What's the progress? And when it is planned to have a release?

Actions #16

Updated by Rob Edwards almost 16 years ago

Really good feature request, something I'd definitely use. I can put in some time if it will help.

Actions #17

Updated by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from 7 to Resolved
  • Priority changed from Low to Normal
  • Target version set to 0.9.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Resolution set to Fixed

I've added the ability to copy a project in the Project Administration panel. r2704

Actions #18

Updated by Dinis Quelhas almost 16 years ago


pardon my ignorance, but how do I install this?
I went to the repository, copied the new file and the modified files, copied it to the correspondent folders, did the rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production and my Redmine stopped working.

So, I've installed everything back, but this time I have not dared to install this without some expert help :)

Tips anyone?

I could really use this plugin.

Thank you,


Actions #19

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Dinis Quelhas wrote:

pardon my ignorance, but how do I install this?
I went to the repository, copied the new file and the modified files, copied it to the correspondent folders, did the rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production and my Redmine stopped working.

You need to upgrade your Redmine to the development version (trunk) at or past r2704. It is part of the core and is not a plugin that can be setup separately.

Side note: This issue should have been Closed instead of Resolved. Fixing that now.

Actions #20

Updated by Luis Serrano Aranda about 14 years ago

It is possible to copy also the subprojects of a project (my project's template have projects, sub projects, versions and empty tasks)

Actions #21

Updated by Ben E almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Eric Davis)

For all those interested - there is a small plugin referred to me written my Brandon Valentine that allows you to copy settings from a default template on new project creation: redmine_copy_on_new =>

Note, clone the project-observer branch, not the master. The master doesn't have the model & complete init.rb hooks

It allows you to copy wiki versions issue_categories issues members queries & boards from one project to a new. Configured via settings tab.

Actions #22

Updated by Guruprasad L about 13 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Alexandre Garino wrote:

Cloning a project to create a new one should not be cumbersome to implement for a ruby guru ;o)

You're right, it wasn't too difficult ;). I'm finishing up something like this right now that will copy an existing project to a new project keeping:

  • Project Settings (Except name and identifier)
  • Custom Fields
  • Members
  • Issues
    • Assignments
    • Time estimates
    • Priorities
    • Statues

It also includes a plugin hook to let plugins add their own information to the copy method (e.g. Deliverable items in the Budget plugin)

Is it possible to include cloning repositories? That'd give github/bitbucket like functionality in redmine and it'd be awesome!


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