Feature #13089
closedBulk-Delete(!) of start-date and due-date
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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Use Case:
- We often handle tickets together in the bulk-edit-mode (by SHFT-SELECT + EDIT), just to move/edit/update some fields - especially update/change time entries in one step. This works fine.
- We sometimes need to delete a time entry field (e.g., if a planning of the task has to be reworked). This works too, by editing one ticket.
- But it seems to be impossible to delete a time entry in the bulk edit dialog for multiple tickets.
- As a result, we sometime have open >20 tickets, just to clear the same time entry.
Similar Tickets:
- I've searched for feature/bug tickets and found #6647, #7810 and #7996, but none of them handles our request.
- Is it possible to add the same delete-behaviour for time-entries to the bulk-edit-dialog, as in the simple edit dialog?
- This means, using an 'delete' indicator (e.g. as SPACE) in the time-entry field, to clear the time-entry-fields of all the selected tickets.
Related issues
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
Well, did you notice that you can edit all time entries and filter them?
As suggestion:
Filter by issues or project, select wrong timeentries and delete them.
Updated by Ralf S. about 12 years ago
Ah - ok, I complete used the wrong vocabulary! I do NOT mean the 'spent-time' entries (effort for a task).
I mean the fields 'start-date' and 'due-date' - sorry!
I'm not allowed to change the 'description' field of the ticket. Can anybody give me the right to - or change it for me?
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
- Subject changed from Bulk-Delete(!) of Time-Entries to Bulk-Delete(!) of start-date and due-date
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Thanks for your correction.
I'm closing this issue, as it seems to be a duplicate of #2199.
This is clear, since I now know what was your request. :-)