



Feature #13297


Adding icons for different trackers

Added by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

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It would be great to have set of icons that can be associated with the tracker, as in Jira. Then, instead of the name of the tracker could display its icon and thus save space in the task list, such as additional columns.


jira-icons.png (61.1 KB) jira-icons.png Pavel Lautsevich, 2013-02-26 19:20

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #13309: Add "tracker-[id]" CSS class to issuesClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #4967: Issues colorsReopened2010-03-02

Related to Redmine - Patch #13747: Issue Colors Patch for #4967New

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6614: icons per tracker for tickets symbol additional or as replacement for ticket type textClosed2010-10-09

Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago

Something like this. In addition, the icons can be added to the "Priority" and "Status".

Actions #2

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

That should IMHO be made using a theme...

Actions #3

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago

Why? Two different users can use two different themes, but they both can want to have the same icons. And as in the case of theme, you can associate a specific tracker with a certain icon?

Actions #4

Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago

I also would'nt insert a icon. But if the theme is going to set a icon we need a class for the tracker. The status and the priority are already available as classes like status-1 or priority-2

So my request: Please, add a class for the tracker.

Actions #5

Updated by Benjamin Jeanjean almost 12 years ago

It would be really useful ! It's much easier to see the status directly with icons !

I think it must be implements in theme core, not in special theme.
It would be a pain to make a new set of icons for new theme !

There's a lot of free set icons like :

Of with fonts :

Wouldn't be so hard to add extra CSS class and set of icons associated ! :)

Actions #6

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago

I can provide unique icons for Redmine!

Actions #7

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

We keep the visual aspects (i.e. the representation of the information) apart so people can theme redmine to their liking.
IMHO this issue is about theme development and not about redmine core...

Pavel Lautsevich wrote:

Why? Two different users can use two different themes

Since when?

Actions #8

Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago

Related with #13309. (Add tracker class)

Actions #9

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago

Ok take out icons in the templates. How then can a custom tracker assign custom icon without editing the CSS?

Actions #10

Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago

The easiest way to insert the tracker icons is to edit the application.css from your theme. Furthermore you insert some Javascript to skip the tracker text value. You need Remine 2.3 or higher because this adaptation depends on #13309.


function addTrackerIcons() {
  $('tr.issue td.tracker').empty();



table.issues tr.tracker-1 td.tracker {
    background: url("../images/YOUR_TRACKER_IMAGE_01.png") no-repeat scroll 50% 0 transparent;

table.issues tr.tracker-2 td.tracker {
    background: url("../images/YOUR_TRACKER_IMAGE_02.png") no-repeat scroll 50% 0 transparent;

/* Add further tracker icons...*/

If you want to keep the tracker text modify the css like this only:


table.issues td.tracker {
   padding-left: 20px;

table.issues tr.tracker-1 td.tracker {
    background: url("../images/YOUR_TRACKER_IMAGE_01.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

table.issues tr.tracker-2 td.tracker {
    background: url("../images/YOUR_TRACKER_IMAGE_02.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

/* Add further tracker icons...*/

Don't forget to add your tracker images to public/themes/YOUR_THEME/images/.

Actions #11

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich almost 12 years ago

Guys you talk about geeks way, I talk about best user experience way.

Actions #12

Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago

This issue duplicates #6614, but I'm closing #6614 as this one has more details.

Actions #13

Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago

I'll provide a patch for this as soon as possible. :-)

Actions #14

Updated by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

This is a nice fature and would to be able to define a icon per tracker which symbolizes the issue in the issue views, roadmap and wiki macro. It could be used additional or as replacement in any view for a quick visual understanding which issues are of what tracker type. This bitmaps shall be default but configurable, as vor addtional trackers, nobdoy knows which icons could fit best as the creator or admin of the instance.

Actions #15

Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago

In the first patch I just provide icons and some colourcodingfs for the issue list and roadmap list.

Maybe I could extend this later.

Actions #16

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich over 11 years ago

+1 to Terence!

Daniel, I'll be waiting impatiently results!

Actions #17

Updated by Bruno Medeiros over 11 years ago

If you need some help to test and give feedback, just let me know.

Actions #18

Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago

I've provided a hardcoded patch for this with some other things together in #13747. This won't be dynamicly. I'll work on another addition, which lets the user define these by himself on top of the patch from #13747.

But maybe for the start, this could be helpful.

Best regards,

Actions #19

Updated by Eugene Batogov over 10 years ago

Hello all.
Please, try my little plugin for these requirements


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