Feature #13635
openFiltering issues by comparing two custom fields against each other
It would be nice option to have ability to filter issues (and maybe timelog report) by comparing two issue custom fields (of the same type of course) against each other.
Use case:
Assume that we have two custom fields that contains information about proposed date of issue completition (similar to due date), and real date of issue completition. Both fields contains date information. If we want to filter out all issues that are finished, but that are late according to proposed date, it would be crucial to have ability to compare issue fields against each other.
Related issues
Updated by Filou Centrinov about 12 years ago
So you desire a custom query with a filter like: date field A > date field B
Related to: #10999
Updated by VD DV almost 12 years ago
This issue might also be related to http://www.redmine.org/issues/13636