Feature #15692
closedcalculation of % done with subtickets
I'm not sure if this should be considdered a Defect or a Feature.
I'm using redmine 2.3.3.stable
There are 2 settings for the %done field. In one settig the field has to be manual updated and the other is that it is calculated by the status the ticket is in.
In the manual setting:
When using subtickets the %done field of the parent ticket gets calculated by %done of the subtickets. The %done of the Parent ticket can't be edited anymore.
In the setting where it gets set by ticket status the %done field of the parent is not calculated at all.
When having subtickets, I think a %done of the parent ticket should always be calculated by %done of the subtickets regardless of how the %done of the childtickets are set.
Furthermore, it could be a good idea to give the possibility to automatically 'close a ticket'/'or send a notification' when all the subtickets are beeing closed.
Related issues
Updated by Daniel Felix about 11 years ago
Fritjof Heyde wrote:
Furthermore, it could be a good idea to give the possibility to automatically 'close a ticket'/'or send a notification' when all the subtickets are beeing closed.
Regarding the last line, I would totally agree with you! This is often a Problem, if I'm using master tickets.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago
- Category changed from Issues workflow to Issues
Updated by Go MAEDA about 10 years ago
- Is duplicate of Defect #6609: % Done for Parent Tasks [2] added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
It is being discussed on #6609.
I close this issue.